Chapter 8

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  Clovermist laid against the moss that lined the medicine den, watching Ghostglare pull spiked seed pods from Rubblepaw's pelt, wincing with every tug. He had been out training with Rubblepaw, Emberstep, and her apprentice Daisypaw, when they fell down into a hole full of seed pods. Rubblepaw had the worst of it, his fur being not as thick as his sister's or their mentor's. Clovermist felt bad, but knew it would be a good learning experience. He enjoyed watching Ghostglare work, grateful he was working again, and was getting back to his usual self.

"You'll live, just be careful, some of it broke the skin." Ghostglare mewed.

"Thank you! I barely feel the pain anymore." Rubblepaw stretched his neck out and pressed against Ghostglare's flank.

Before Clovermist could make a comment, a shadow loomed over him coming from the entrance of the burrow. White fur glowed from the sunlight as the figure came into focus. It was Coldsong!

"Hi Clovermist, I see you've gotten yourself into trouble as per usual." She purred in amusement.

Clovermist sprang to his paws. "Hey Coldsong! How are you? Where have you been?"

"I'm good! Went on a patrol with Cloudblink and Bluehaze, remarked out scent along the borders, the usual." The white warrior smiled sweetly.

"Sounds fun! Wish I could have gone. Sounds like a cool awesome adventure, right?" Clovermist let out an awkward laugh as Ghostglare groaned behind him.

"I cannot listen to any more of this. If you aren't sick or injured, get out of here." He teased.

Clovermist padded alongside Coldsong as they left the den, Rubblepaw following close behind before breaking off to play with his siblings. The pair laid under a cool shaded bush, watching the flaming leaves dance in the wind and sharing tongues with each other.

"How did neither of you see the hole!" Coldsong chuckled, her tail flicking.

"It was hidden in the undergrowth, completely filled with these nasty pods! I had accidentally pushed Rubblepaw into it because he stopped right in front of me." Clovermist looked out towards his apprentice, who he could tell was recounting their training session with his siblings.

"You are always finding ways to get into trouble, you're lucky Ghostglare is the medicine cat and not me, I would have left you to pull the pods out yourself!" Coldsong jabbed the tabby with her paws, laughing even more.

Clovermist smiled at her, admiring her as she almost burst into tears from her own jokes. He had always been close to Coldsong, seeing that her and her brother, Cloudblink, were all denmates, and were nursed by his mother, Juniperthroat. Clovermist always made extra effort to make them feel welcomed in their clan, especially since they were found abandoned as kits, with no clan to call their own. As the moons went by, they became an integral part of MarshClan, and Coldsong became an important part of Clovermist's life. They did almost everything together growing up, she even joins his patrols with Rubblepaw sometimes. I'm so lucky to have her in my life Clovermist thought. She is a gift from StarClan.

His thoughts were interrupted by the yowl of Timberstar, perched high atop Wetrock.

"Cats of MarshClan! Tonight is the Gathering, and I have decided who will take the trip to Deepstone! Bluehaze, Ravenflame, Lakewhisker, Cloudblink, Clovermist, Emberstep, Birdbreeze, Rubblepaw, Daisypaw, and Maplepaw! Get plenty of rest before we make the trip at Moonhigh!" His voice was always so commanding and firm, it would make any cat drop and listen.

Clovermist stood up and stretched, Coldsong followed suit.

"Lucky, have fun tonight, I'll keep the clan safe." She purred.

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