Chapter 16

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  Ghostglare found himself in a familiar scenery, an endless forest, trees towering over him, yet none were felt. His paws skimming across the grass while he traversed this dreamscape as he's done many times before. Every night he had these dreams, even when he took short naps, the sounds and smells of the endless forest surrounded him. A few times his guide, Heathertail, would visit and whisper in his ear, but it was never more than a murmur. Though this dream was different, he felt his paws fully touch the ground, submerged in the deep foliage.

Ghostglare suddenly felt the sharp and rough tree bark scratching and poking into his fur. He ran aimlessly, trying to escape the suffocating trees that surrounded him, until he made it into a clearing. The smells and scents reminded him of his home, he finally realized he was in MarshClan, standing in the clearing.

He lifted his nose to smell around, but no cats were found, until the soft aroma of morning dew and herbs surrounded him. Heathertail! Though the former medicine cat's usual routine of brushing against Ghostglare's fur was absent.

Suddenly, the soft light he could see from the moon darkened, he fell into shadow as he felt Heathertail's presence. The guide must have climbed Wetrock and shrouded the moon's light, the echoing voice confirmed his theory.

"Ghostglare! The clans in danger!" Heathertail's voice boomed from all directions, but was most noticeable from Wetrock. "Cats who sleep under briar and burr are not to be trusted. They are scheming, be aware!"

"What does that mean! Heathertail!" Ghostglare called out.

"Heed my warning. A starless leader will shroud the moon, separating the clans into darkness. The tallest of trees will fall from grace, and distrust will breathe through its bark like fungi. Do not let it consume you."

Ghostglare called out once more to Heathertail, begging for an explanation, but none was given. The ground beneath him crumbled as he fell through the earth, to be consumed by the darkness.

His body jerked and convulsed as he jolted awake, his fur standing on end as he gasped, trying to catch his breath. He scrambled to his paws, sloppily making his way out of his den, making sure he could still see the light. Finally, the sweet illumination of morning calmed him, the darkness was no more. He took a couple deep breaths, before relaxing fully, remembering he was awake.

The cold grass tickled his paws, it had been a moon or two since Timberstar revealed Thornstar's plan, as well as Clovermist's treachery. The snow was slowly being warmed from the sun of newleaf, though it wouldn't be gone for probably another moon.

Things were still tense, cats would whisper and gossip when Clovermist was standing right next to them, Coldsong was still very upset, she had vented to Ghostglare a couple of times, but it's not like she refuses to see him. Rubblepelt forgave him so easily, which was natural, but even Ghostglare felt a certain way.

"Hey, are you okay? You seemed to be in a hurry." Fernwillow appeared behind him, rubbing along his side.

"Fernwillow...I had a dream from StarClan." Ghostglare said dryly.

She stopped in her tracks, silent, thinking.

"Let's go see Timberstar." She licked his ear, before guiding him towards the leader's den.

He stepped in patches of snow and ice as he crossed the clearing, trying to hold onto the dream, refusing to let it fade. The entered the den and approached Timberstar, who was still resting, but awake.

"What do you need?" He asked, a little drowsy.

Fernwillow nudged Ghostglare, urging him to speak.

"Timberstar. I had a dream from StarClan, it was a warning." Ghostglare puffed his chest, trying to seem serious.

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