Chapter 21

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  Hornetclaw sat frozen in horror, her friends in as much shock as her. Every cat was looking at the gruesome sight at the Greatrock, as Thornstar and Timberstar laid dead, two leaders gone just like that. BrambleClan cats started fleeing one another, not even bothering to retrieve their fallen leader and warriors. ShadeClan and HeatherClan stood still, they clearly wanted nothing to do with this battle in the first place, it hurt knowing Thornstar brought doom to all these cats.

Stoatstar yowled from where he stood. "Thornstar is dead. We no longer have to fight."

Cats looked at one another awkwardly, not knowing what to do to next. The threat was over, but the scars of an unnecessary battle still stung. Stoatstar rounded up his warriors to start treating hurt cats and retrieving the dead ones, Owlstar did the same. As the crowd slowly dissipated, Hornetclaw could finally spot the rest of her MarshClan warriors, but all happiness soon faded as she saw the damage.

Bluehaze laid motionless in the dirt, surrounded by Sweetburr, Rubblepelt, and Daisyclaw, they licked his fur and softly said their goodbyes. Mapleheart, instead of mourning his father, mourned his mentor Birdbreeze, who laid in a pool of his own fresh blood. Hornetclaw froze as she saw Ravenflame, gone to StarClan as well, she rushed to greet her mate's body, which was as cold as leaf-bare. She nuzzled against her fur, covering her ear and shoulder in loving licks, her heart shattered as the realization set in, Ravenflame was gone forever, so was Bluehaze, Birdbreeze and Timberstar. As she grieved, Clovermist nudged her a bit.

"Look." He said solemnly, pointing towards where Ghostglare sat.

It looked like Ghostglare was sitting alone, staring down at the ground, but on closer inspection, he was staring at the body of Fernwillow. He was still, silent, just gazing aimlessly as his mentor. Hornetclaw just knew he could smell the life that was drained from her. Thornstar took too many MarshClan lives over a petty grudge and her own lack of belief, Hornetclaw just hoped her deputy, Redleg, could make a proper leader for BrambleClan, and lead them to glory. Gravelpatch approached Hornetclaw, softly flicking her with his tail.

"Help me with Timberstar. We're going home."

Hornetclaw kept Timberstar steady as Gravelpatch carried the body on his back. Despite winning, the journey home felt almost shameful. Lakewhisker and Bravehare were greeted with the bloodied and tired bodies of their clanmates, Lakewhisker quickly ran to the medicine den for supplies while Bravehare helped with the bodies. Their fallen warriors were placed in the center of the clearing, Ferretberry and Pinefur let out pained sighs, before preparing the vigil and burial ceremony.

Everyone was silent in mourning, giving parting licks to their loved ones. Flintpaw and Russetpaw helped bring cobweb and poppy seeds to the hurt warriors, followed closely by Lakewhisker. Hornetclaw sat with Ravenflame, resting against her shoulder as Flintpaw pressed cobwebs to her pelt, drying the blood. She looked over and glanced at Ghostglare, who was still with Fernwillow's body, refusing to leave her side. Gravelpatch carefully approached him, hesitating before speaking.

"...get ready to make the journey to Highstones with me." He stated.

Ghostglare hissed a bit as he spoke. "Can I not have time to mourn?"

" have until after sunrise." Gravelpatch licked his ear before retreating to the top of Wetrock.

Clovermist was with his half-siblings, all grieving the loss of their father Bluehaze. Lakewhisker, Emberstep, Redrunner and her kits were all huddled around Birdbreeze, at that moment, they truly looked like a family. Hornetclaw continued to lay against her lover, her eyes closed tight.

"Cats of MarshClan." Gravelpatch said in a soft tone, just loud enough for all to hear. "We have taken a great loss at the hands of Thornstar, but the memories of these cats shall live on. I say their names now, to honor each and every one of them. Birdbreeze. Bluehaze. Ravenflame. Fernwillow. And our beloved leader, Timberstar. May you all hold vigil, and mourn our cats as they make their way to StarClan."

All was silent in the clan, even the crickets didn't make a noise, the cats stayed by their fallen warriors until morning, as was customary. Hornetclaw had fallen asleep on Ravenflame's back, keeping her mate warm throughout the night.

The morning sun shone gently on Hornetclaw's coat as she watched the others around her. Gravelpatch and Ghostglare had already left on their trip to the Highstones so Gravelpatch can become the new leader of MarshClan. The least injured warriors were out on hunting patrols, getting as much food as possible for the clan. Ferretberry approached Hornetclaw, licking her ear as she slowly rose off of Ravenflame's body.

"I miss her too." Ferretberry's raspy voice soothed Hornetclaw. "I remember when I had her, I was still an old cat, I feared she would be effected from how late into my life I had her. But she died a fearless warrior, and that's all I could have hoped for."

Hornetclaw nodded sorrowfully, before leaving room for Ferretberry to take Ravenflame to the burial site. She sighed softly, as Flintpaw and Russetpaw cuddled close to either side of her. Clovermist and Coldsong sat behind her, but their presence was known. Hornetclaw knew Redrunner was with her kits in the nursery, and was glad she was with them instead of her. All were quiet, unsure of what to do.

Clovermist carefully broke the silence. "So, who's all on hunting patrol?"

"Cloudblink and Emberstep chose to go out together, I feel like it's their way of coping, while no one else wants to leave." Russetpaw purred.

"Figured." Coldsong softly smiled. "Those two are an odd pair, but they're good hunters."

The group were melancholy, they couldn't imagine how life would move on from this tragedy. Hornetclaw couldn't help but wonder how the other clans were doing. Stoatstar and Owlstar were probably feeling the same as her, devastated by a battle they wanted no part in. The BrambleClan deputy Redleg probably has a lot going on as well, hopefully he wouldn't be like his leader, a starless fool.

After Cloudblink and Emberstep arrived with prey and the clan had a chance to regain their energy, Gravelpatch and Ghostglare had returned from their travels. Sootstorm approached them, his body was visibly tense, though he tried to hide it.

"So? Did you stare your dreams with StarClan, Gravelpatch?" He asked.

"It's Gravelstar now." Ghostglare said coldly.

Sootstorm nodded to his family, before following them to the clearing. Gravelstar climbed atop Wetrock for the first time as the new leader, he yowled for the clan's attention. Cats who weren't already in the clearing slowly crept from their dens and listened. Ghostglare was sat outside the medicine den, where he usually sat with Fernwillow.

"I have traveled to Highstones and gained my nine lives from StarClan. I am now your leader, Gravelstar, and I swear to be as much of a leader as Timberstar was." His voice was as commanding as their late leader's was.

The cats let off exhausted mews, congratulating their leader, but still pained from their losses.

"Now, I shall decide the next deputy of MarshClan to take my place. I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors, our fallen clanmates, and our honored leader Timberstar may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of MarshClan is...Hornetclaw." Gravelstar called.

Hornetclaw froze as her clan yowled in gratitude. Has my dream really come true?

Ghostglare snarled in protest. "What! StarClan decreed you must have mentored one cat in completion in order to be a deputy! Flintpaw is still an apprentice, she cannot be deputy!"

"Quiet, boy!" Gravelstar hissed. "Hornetclaw is more than worthy is being deputy! I follow StarClan's word, but I believe the clan would be best if Hornetclaw was our deputy!"

Everyone stared at the medicine cat, Ghostglare let out a low growl, before lashing his tail and retreating into his den. The clan was quiet for a moment, in awkward silence, before mewing and yowling for Hornetclaw. She rose up, padding by her fellow warriors before scaling Wetrock. This was a new view for her, looking over the entire clan from up above, it was an honor. She turned towards Gravelstar, her heart swelling.

"May you serve MarshClan well." Gravelstar licked her shoulder.

She nodded, filled with honor and determination. She once again looked over her clan, her dream had finally come true, she was a deputy. Hornetclaw was ready to take on the responsibility of being a deputy, she was ready to serve her clan and her fellow warriors. She yowled across the clearing, and her warriors echoed her call, ready to follow her and Gravelstar into the unknown, and this time, they were not afraid.

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