Chapter 3 - Touch of the Winds

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When the Darklass begins their attack on the rainforest, Lapis and the rest of her team must aid the RainWings in their battle against a new, secret enemy. With a new war set on the continent, Lapis must figure out the truth behind her past and her powers.



[scene begins with an IceWing running down the street quickly, panting quickly and looking behind him. He takes a sharp left, almost stumbling from the snow on the ground, and he enters an alley. He stops, taking a moment to breathe, and he peeks out of the alley to see if anyone is following after him]

[the sun begins to emerge from the horizon, and a beam of light shines on the IceWing's face. He opens his bag, rummaging through it to make sure "something" is inside]

SUBZERO: Okay...

[Subzero turns around, and he runs deeper into the alley. He continues running, creating talon prints on the snow. Subzero looks behind him as he turns left, where he runs into two IceWing guards, both of them pointing their spears at him]


[Subzero quickly raises both of his talons into the air. The guards walk behind him, and they detach the bag from Subzero's body. One of the guards search through the bag, while the other continues to keep his eyes on Subzero]

ICEWING GUARD #2: [continues pointing his spear at Subzero] Keep your talons where I can see them.

ICEWING GUARD #1: [pulling a spherical container out from Subzero's bag, and he looks at him] What is this? [walks in front of Subzero and shows him the container] What?

SUBZERO: I-I don't know what it is. [a guard nudges him in the back with a spear, and he flinches] Chill out, dude. I had an assignment to retrieve this thing, I'm not sure what it really is.

ICEWING GUARD #1: [opens the container, revealing a small, freezing cold gem] What were you trying to do with this?

SUBZERO: I told you, I don't know. Look, I don't want any trouble.

ICEWING GUARD #2: There won't be any if we know what you're possessing, IceWing.

[the guard nudges him in the back with the spear again, and Subzero quickly turns around and grabs it. He freezes the center of the spear, and he snaps it in half and throws it onto the ground. The guards attack him, but he manifests a sharp icicle in one talon and a hard, ice shield in another]

[one of the IceWing guards managed to land a large cut on Subzero's arm, and he groaned loudly. Subzero turns and grabs the guard's head, slamming it against a wall of the building]

[Subzero stabs one of the guards in the neck, killing him. The guard drops onto the ground, and blue blood gushes from his neck. The other guard attacks Subzero from behind, but he uses his shield to block his attack. Subzero grabs onto the guard's spear, snapping it in half and slashes the guard across the chest with his sharp icicle]

[the guard groans, clutching his bleeding chest as he drops the half of the spear into the ground. The guard winces in pain, slowly walking backward until he reaches the body of the other guard]

[Subzero watches as the guard crouches next to the IceWing, groaning and breathing heavily. Subzero drops his icicle, and it quickly melts before it can hit the ground]

ICEWING GUARD #2: [clutching his chest, and his talon is covered with blood] Please... spare me. [begs Subzero, who's watching in guilt] I'll let you leave... no one has to know about this besides us.

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