Chapter 7 - The Frost-touch

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While traversing across the Whirl Cave in search of the heart, Lapis and Farr encounter a mysterious whisper. Along the way, Lapis is thrown into a haunting past she thought she had left behind. She must find the truth of her parents' deaths, and learn about the tragic event leading to it.


[scene begins with Subzero and Cryo landing outside of a large, ice house. Cryo is carrying their egg in her talon, standing back as Subzero approaches and knocks on the door of the house]

[the egg is covered in a heavy, wool blanket. Cryo rocks the egg between her arms, touching it with her snout. Subzero's ears twitch as he hears the door opening in front of him. An older IceWing appears, and she looks at Subzero and Cryo]

MACCARA: Hello. [looks at the egg between Cryo's talons in confusion] Do you two need something?

SUBZERO: We have a favor. We want to make sure if you're willing to help us.

MACCARA: Uh, sure. [moves away from the door] Come in, we'll have a little chat. [to Cryo] How long has it been?

CRYO: Two months.

[Subzero and Cryo step into the large house, immediately noticing a huge, bright chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Cryo walks past a shelf of priceless scrolls, looking at them in awe. Subzero follows after Maccara as they arrive in the living room]

[Maccara sits down on a soft, fluffy chair. Subzero and Cryo stand across from her, both dragons watch as Maccara takes a sip from her cup of tea. Another IceWing arrive, and he grabs Maccara's empty cup of tea and walks away]

MACCARA: You two want anything to drink?

CRYO: Uh, no, we're just here to talk.

MACCARA: Right, right. [leans forward] So what's your favor?

SUBZERO: We're thinking of leaving our egg with you... for the time being.


SUBZERO: We'll be away from the kingdom for a while, [thinks for a moment] just going to try something and hopefully end this war.

MACCARA: Leaving the kingdom, huh? [notices her butler arriving with another cup of tea] Thank you. [looks at Subzero] I wouldn't recommend that, you know the situation out there.

SUBZERO: Maccara, please.

MACCARA: [sighs as she puts her new cup of tea on a table in front of her] Look, if something happens out there, I don't want to be responsible for your dragonet growing up without their parents.

SUBZERO: Nothing will happen to us, I promise. We'll be back before she hatches.

MACCARA: That's some promise. [stands up and approaches Subzero] You need to understand what you're doing here. I have no problem with taking care of your dragonet, I'm worried about the dragons out there who'll hurt you two.

CRYO: No one will hurt us. [raises her talon and summons a small ice shard]

MACCARA: Oh, so you're one of those IceWings. [slowly backs away and sits back down on her chair] I'll make sure the egg is safe while you two are away.

SUBZERO: Thank you.

[Cryo slowly heads over to Maccara with the egg, handing it to her. Maccara holds the egg carefully between her talons, nodding and reassuring Cryo that it'll be alright. Cryo slowly backs away from the cave, standing next to Subzero]

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