Chapter 8 - Can Everything Be Normal Again?

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After successfully retrieving the Frozen Heart from the Whirl Cave, Lapis must travel to the BoltWing kingdom alongside Farr to prevent the Darklass's attack on Queen Thunder. When battling against her toughest enemy yet, Lapis must understand her strength and the consequences that come with it.



[two SandWings are walking down the market, having a conversation with each other. One of the SandWings is revealed to be Thorn, while the other is revealed to be Parch]

THORN: Still no word from Six-Claws?


THORN: What about Tawny?

PARCH: Nothing from her, too. One of our other dragons intercepted a message sent by the MudWings. [grabs a scroll from his bag and hands it to Thorn] There was an ambush in the SkyWing palace.

THORN: [nudges the scroll back to Parch] I'm assuming it's by the SeaWings?

PARCH: Not quite, ma'am. This is from the IceWings. Queen Glacier found herself two new dragons for her little army. [pauses] Apparently, they have powers unlike the rest of the IceWings.

THORN: Yeah, that sounds like her. Always on the lookout for puppets to fight her battle. Anything happened to Scarlet or Burn?

PARCH: They got their talons on one of the IceWings.

THORN: [deadpan] Wow...

PARCH: We also got news regarding Burn, if that's something you would like to know. [notices Thorn nodding for approval] She's extending her stay in the SkyWing palace after what happened?

THORN: Never expected her to be the one hiding of all three sisters. [looks away and continues walking] Anything else happened?

PARCH: Uh, [searches through his scroll] well, there was an attack on the NightWing island. A FlameWing dragonet slaughtered over a hundred NightWings, it's... a mess over there.

THORN: FlameWings?

PARCH: Eighth tribe hidden from the rest of the continent. We don't know what they do, but this isn't the first time any of us encounter them. They might be onto some-

THORN: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't care much.

PARCH: Is something on your mind?

THORN: Yes, yes, [voice becomes louder as if she's yelling at Parch] a lot on my mind, actually. That son of a bitch...

PARCH: What is it?

THORN: [stops walking and faces Parch] Dune betrayed me and stole my egg, so I'm going to need every dragon we have to hunt him down. What I need is a target on his head.

PARCH: Thorn, it's almost impossible to find him. He's probably out there-

THORN: I don't care where he is on the continent, I need his head on my table. [moves closer to Parch] I cannot lose my dragonet to the talon of a thief working for some...

PARCH: "Shitty cave dragons." Yeah, you've told me that a couple times. Look, the Talons of Peace might not be as bad as you think they are.

THORN: What have they done the entire time? Just sitting in their little caves, writing false stories and stealing my dragonet? I've never seen them do anything since the war started.

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