Chapter Nine

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It's now seven and Max, Will, Lucas, Dustin and El are now hanging out in Max and Els dorm.

"Mike seems cool." Max said. "It's a bit weird how we just met today but we were acting like we've been friends forever." Max laughed a little.

"Will was acting like he's known Mike since kindergarten." Lucas joked.

Dustin looked at him. "Lucas, you're the one to talk. You and Mike were basically talking for the whole two hours we were there."

"No, I think Mike mostly talked to Will, Stella and Willow." Max disagreed.

"Agreed." El stated. "Mike barely talked to us." El said like she was disgusted by Mike.

Will rolled his eyes, cause that's his favourite thing to do. "He has social anxiety."

Dustin let out a little laugh. "Guess you too have something in common." Dustin shrugged. Will rolled his eyes, yet again.

"I'm going to bed." Dustin stood up and walked towards the door.

"Well if he's going, I'm going too because he has the keys and I don't want to have to sleep out in the hallway tonight." Will said as he stood up and followed Dustin. "Bye guys!" He waved.

Everyone waved back. "Bye."

"I'm tired too, I'm going to head out as well." Lucas stood up. "See you guys tomorrow after classes?"

The two girls nodded.


"I'm gonna go to bed." El said as she got up and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth, leaving Max alone.

Max decided to text some of her friends from California, where she was raised for eighteen years of her life.

Though, before she even got the chance to text one of her friends, she got a call.

She tried to hit the decline button, but accidentally hit the accept button.

"Hello Max." A person said.

Max rose her eyebrows. "Who is this?" She asked in a bit of a confused voice.

"Your dearest friend." The person said. "Come on! Try to guess!"

"Shit." Max whispered. "I don't know, Will?" She guessed. Silence on the other line. "El? Lucas? Dustin?" She kept guessing. No answer. She started to guess some of her friends from California. "Emma? Gia? Alex? Rain? Jimmy? Diego? Mateo? Ella?" She kept guessing with no answer.

"Say, let's play a different game." The Person Said.

"Sure, fuck it, why not?" She responded.

There was a slight laugh before the person spoke. "Hide and go seek. You hide in a place in your dorm, I guess random places until I guess the place where your at."

"Hmm..." Max thought for a moment.

"I'm in."

"Perfect!" The Person Said excitedly.

"But first you tell me where you got that sick ass voice changer." Max laughed a bit.

"I'll send you the link to the app once we are done on the phone."

"Perfect." Max laughed. "I can use it to scare my dorm mate."

"Ok, now hide."

Max stood up and hid in the pantry.

"Okay, I'm hidden." Max sighed.

"Under yours or your dorm mates bed?" Silence. "In the shower?" Silence again.

"This is a tough one." The Person Said. "The pantry?"

"Correct!" Max said excitedly. Then the pantry door opened.

Max froze for a second.

"Max? What are you doing in here? And who are you talking to?" El asked tiredly.

"Oh, I was playing hide and seek with-" Max looked at her phone, but she was no longer on call. "Oh, I guess they hung up." Max laughed a little.

"Okay..." El hesitated a Little. "Well im going to bed now, goodnight." El walked off.

"Goodnight!" Max yelled. Max sighed before heading to the bathroom. She splashed some water in her face before heading back into the living room.

Max sat on the couch and opened her laptop. She didn't have classes until one tomorrow so she should be fine if she goes to sleep late.

Max started watching Five Feet Apart. She sat there for ten minutes before she got a call, from the same number. She answered.

"Why'd you hang up?" Max asked.

"Phone died." The Person answered.

"So, you gonna tell me who you are or leave me on the edge of my seat?" Max joked.

"Hmm... maybe I'll show you."

"How are you going to do that?" Max laughed. "Text me?"

"I'm going to take my mask off."

Max's face dropped a little. "I'm confused. What do you mean?"

"Look behind you."

Max froze for a second, before the phone hung up. Max slowly turned her head to look behind her.

"El?" She questioned when she saw someone in a ghostface costume. She only knew that it was a ghostface costume because she had seen them at Walmart.

The person shook their head 'no'.

"Lucas? Will? Dustin?" She kept guessing, but all she got was 'no's.

Max walked towards the person. "Who are you?"

They shrugged.

Max got closer and closer. She took the mask off once it was in reach.

Max was about to speak, but before she could, she was grabbed by the person. Being held hostage in their arms. They covered her mouth so she couldn't scream.

"This will only hurt a Little." They Said as they took out a knife. Luckily for Max, El just exited her room.

Max noticed her but the killer didn't. El slowly backed away, but before she walked out of the room she mouthed 'pocket'. Max looked in the pocket that was facing El and found a gun. Max put her hand near the pocket and just before Max got stabbed, she kicked the person, causing them to loose grip, and took out the gun.

Max pushed the costumed person and pointed the gun towards them.

"This will only hurt a little." She mocked before shooting them. "EL ITS SAFE TO COME OUT NOW." Max yelled toward Els room. El walked out of her room. Max dropped the gun.

"Let's go call the police." El said as she grabbed the keys to the dorm and walked out with Max following. Little did they know that when they get back with the police, the killer would be gone.

A.N.: The chapters May seem rushed bc I'm trying to finish this fanfic so I can start another one

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