What if issei hyoudou wasn't rencarneted by rias gremory or killed at all. this story is about issei hyoudou who hid and awoke his boosted gears full power as a first year at kuoh yes a year earlier then before, he is already able to use balance bre...
Issei and rias broke their kiss flustered a bit by what just happened as issei's hand glowed. "Haha not bad partner your growing up. "Ddriag teased as the two blushed.
"Shut it lizard rias sleep here your clearly tired after what you saw." Issei says getting up from his bed.
"Im fine but where are you going?" She asked as issei smirked. "I am going go train to my old place for combat your brother owes me that." Issei said as rias got confused by his statement.
" I thought this was your place?" Rias asked as issei looked at her dumbfounded till he remembered what he said.
"Oh.. No no no, i meant sirzechs took me i a few days after the death of my parents and in exchange i learned many things including having a training field to fight all out and test myslef." Issei spoke as rias smiled gaining an idea.
"Then how about the 5 of us train together i know a place." Rias said as issei smirked. "Sure lets go. "Issei said as he got dressed wearing all but a shirt as rias has it near her but they don't bother with it.
"But i warn you i won't go easy so i suggest try to use weights or more magic first." Issei spoke as the two went down stairs to see rias's peerage and sirzechs with a sad look.
"What are you doing here lucifer!" Rias spoke with rage in her Voice shocking issei as he recalls her loving her brother and even shot him in the back so sirzechs didn't die.
I want to know however i suggest we leave soon so pack your shit. Issei spoke as everyone byt rias looked at him in shock. What? The devil and dragon asked looking at the group.
Your.. Chest? Zechs spoke as he didn't know about issei's scar and the girls were silent while kiba knew about the scales on his arm but not this.
Oh yeah grayfia saw but not the mouh figured.. *sigh* fuck it rias have everyone leave soon for training you pick the place i need to zechs and i need to ask of a favor for training. Issei spoke confusing rias as she looked at him.
S..sure but what? Rias asked as issei summoned his gear. Partner allow me, rias gremory two of your peerage members are very weak due to them being like issei but i asked him one night to help with the two in guestion as one race he hates and the other he is confused by. Ddraig spoke making rias become a mix of shock and fear as koneko and akeno looked down confusing kiba but not the two red heads.
Seems like i was right but as i said.. GO!! Issei spoke with venom as he looked at his door as let out some power making everyone but lucifer leave out of his power being let out and the mouh knew he was in for it .
Everyone left to their homes while issei glared at the mouh spreading a set of dragon wings and leaking aura of rage and domination.
So.. One why didnt you help me years ago i get why when i was training was different as you didnt want me pissed you forgot draig sensed you now talk. Issei roared as driag even was wanting to talk to him as he was glaring through the gear full of rage.
Well.. Y.. You see i didn't know were the red dragon until i saw you and with human i couldn't cause anothee war thanks to the fallen angels and angels and us being in low numbers. Sirzechs spoke as issei glare leaking out more and more power of his and Ddraigs aura now at 20%(merged not divided so his max his 200% his and draigs), stop lying i know you sensed draig and i tired of your lies i overheard years ago that you wanted me to defeat riser and be your tool.!!!! Issei yells as he then calms down and looks at Sirzechs who was tearing up.
Im.. Sorry but i need to let my anger out so i won't be evil and so i can move on. Issei said as he began to leave until he and Sirzechs heard a bang from outside.
What the!!! The two rush outside to see burn marks and claws too as the bang was from the large flame now in the middle of the streets. They could tell that its not normal as it was black and purple? This confused the two and as issei asked draig he didn't even know until they got circle near their ears from rias.
Issei can you hurry to the mountains lets just say.. Rias than went quiet as the two heard a roar from the circle nearly making their ears bleed.
"Ok RIAS WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!" Issei yelled until he smelled soemthing not far, hey the mountain's how far? Issei asked as he knew something was close.
Not far if you fly or run or teleport i saw about 5 minutes. Rias said as issei facepalm and regrently decided to help as Sirzechs sent him their.
Pov mountains.
Team rias was in the middle of walking uo the moutains as they heard the roar and rias got off the call with issei as see felt alot of power.
Is that issei? Koneko asked as the rook was worried. No i just called him so lets go up and help. Rias said but as they went towards the top of the moutain they saw a black flash speed pass them towards the roar and not long later issei appeared.
Ok here ready to.. Issei then saw everyone glaring at him confused, what i do? He asked as akeno blinked and answered so that wasn't you running pass us well fuck. Akeno spoke as issei was confused but took a sniff in the hair and smelled that same feeling again.
"Ok hurry come on i got a bad feeling." Issei spoke as everyone rushed to the top only to hear screams of a stray devil in pain? And as everyone got up they saw a stray with bite marks, cuts burns and alot of blood and no head. Everyone even issei was shcoked by it until thwy heard footsteps and got out their gear(weapons and magic and stances) to fight turning to the noise.
Huh?.. I knew i felt a familiar presence long time no see.. Issei shirone. The voice spoke as stepping into few was a figure issei seemed confused by and koneko had no clue who this was.
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(This was supposed to be after "who?" But i forgot i was already writing so this should be good for the readers)
As the girl stepped out of the shadows no one knew her but she had the blood of the stray on her hands blade and face. Scaring all but issei as he smelled the air again and knew this sent to his shock.
Is that you???
Sorry for the cliff hanger but guess the person as this story might kept even more fun dragon army out.