I lost once
I won't again
... Awaken from slumber
I will save her as i wont lose love again.
Issei looked with focus and determination at the mouh as he started to relax but not fully as too keep his guard up. Why me through last i checked im worse than the stray devil list? Issei said ask he then started to wabble and grab his head as his vision got blurry and his eyes went red green and gold as he suddenly saw soemthing.
Back the hell up you piece of shit!!! A man in a red jacket and green with red eyes spoke glaring at a man in white and a wolf. Oh please you cant say shit too me that wolf is mine along with her. The figure said pointing to what looked like an older murasaki in an aura like form with rias behind them with power flowing.
I told this too many so listen well loki i don't care if your a god, a devil king, an immortal phionex for the dead gods sake i will kill anyone who gets in my way as i am the one who led two dragons together for a future with love and rivalry along with the power too kill gods yet to fight for good. Now.. I am issei hyoudou driag and none shall tell me too stop for them. Issei says to the norse god with a red and gold glow around him with black and silver sparks.
What the.. Hell was that??!! Issei says as he breaths heavily now seeing he is in a hospital bed with Sirzechs murasaki kiba akeno and grayfia with his gear active and scar glowing even brighter. Guys what happned? Issei asked as all were quite. Hey what happen? Again silence except now issei is pissed. ANSWER ME ALREADY!!! He yells as suddenly flames formed around him and cracked the ground and then as guickly as they appeared they vanished.
Partner calm down.. You have been out for 17 hours now suddenly while you were talking with the.. Mouh. Draig spoke with some annoyance and rage towards the mouh as he hurt issei and helped seal him in a gear and now he wants help but more than that draig cares for issei.
1.. 17 hours? How i was awake and then.. Issei was about to continue but went silent as his scsr glowed like a heart beat. Issei.. Bro what is it? Kiba asked worried for him as he placed a hand on his shoulder. First turn off the damn lights. Issei said as he slap's kiba away as he feels hazy. Issei.. The lighs are.. Off. Akeno said issei was confused until it hit him a he looked at his scar and started to grab his head and flames formed as he spread his wings.
No.. No no i cant.. Draig i cant die.. Im scared no.. No i need to save rias i need to make sure murasaki is ok i need.. *slap*. As issei was panicking and in fear as tears rolled down his face he looked to see murasaki hit him with Tears flowing from her as well.
Issei.. You idot one. We will be fine but you wont if you use that damn drive again and two draig said if you go wild for long enough you die from the drive not your heart. You broke free so you lived and your scar he said it means your evolving and accepting life. Murasaki said as issei calmed down and the flames vanished and he hid his wings as he fell into murasaki chest ad cried for the first time since he was a kid and since his dreams he could finally let out his pain.
Its ok we all are here for you. Akeno said as she walked to him and murasaki with issei lifting his head up rubbing his eyes and clearing away the tears.
Thanks.. G. Guys im *sniff* sorry i just couldn't hold it in any longer but now.. Im ready.. Whens the party? Issei said as all looked at him shocked but yet proud. A few days issei you can train but i recommend hearing us out. Sirzechs explained as issei got up and stood tall and rubbed murasaki head as her tail wagged. No thanks.. I got my own plan but it will need one thing. Issei says looking at his ring seeing that it as a crack in it from his transformation but it looks like his scar instead of a normal crack.

Dragon Hiding It All
FanfictionWhat if issei hyoudou wasn't rencarneted by rias gremory or killed at all. this story is about issei hyoudou who hid and awoke his boosted gears full power as a first year at kuoh yes a year earlier then before, he is already able to use balance bre...