put your trust in the fire

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A fire


Don't go down without a fight

Its the next morning after coming to the gremory training and the girls with murasaki have been talking about their past and future along with talking about issei making rias and murasaki blush before beginning to fight as kiba walked over to them before he started to train whie issei looked at them from the roof while meditating as he smiled,
Draig i got an idea. Issei thinks.

Is it that your going to stop looking at the wolf's and red heads breast. Draig smugly says with a laugh as issei goes red almost falling from what draig said.
Hey i.. Im not doing that. Issei defended himself while flustered. Haha sorry partner for the tease its normal for a dragon your age to be this way. Draig said as issei felt embarrassed. Anyway what's the idea? Draig asked his host as he knew this would be good. Its time for them to look in the mirror and fight themselves they never show. Issei said with a smirk as he looks at akeno and koneko. Great idea partner let me know if i should watch with popcorn. Driag said as the two chuckle and issei jumps down from the roof.

Hey issei whats up? Rias says walking to him but murasaki runs to him holding his arm confusing issei but rias gets annyoyed.

Hey dragon want to train? Murasaki asked as she pulls issei away but feels a tug as rias pulls him back with the two pulling on issei's arms with koneko looking confused and kiba and akeno trying not to chuckle.
Shut up knight and fallen shoot the ground. Issei says as he looks at akeno but ahe does nothing. Fine.. Grrr AHHH. Issei yells summoning his gear and spreading his wings launching the two back.

One girls stop or you will be punished and.*turns to the other three* I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DONT STOP INGNORING WHWG I SAY.. ITS TRAINING TIME NOW!! Issei yells with the three staring in fear but ready for anything while the two other girls were shocked but turned on by his aura of domination being let out

Issei breaths in and out calming himself and his aura fades as he looks at everyone.

Sorry about that but we need to focus now rias murasaki go by the hill and akeno kiba and koneko form a postion.
Issei orders as the two girls go and issei looks at the 3, koneko was in the back for long range and kiba and akeno were in the middle as the three looked like a triangle formation looking at issei as their foe.

Ok koneko focus on long range without throwing things that you pick up, kiba focus more and more forming weapons of anything you've seen or made and focus, akeno focus on close range weapons and thunder at your max power as i can tell mainly you two*looks at koneko and akeno* are being held back. Issei ssys as kiba smirks and the girls looks confused.

Alright issei.. Sword birth!! Kiba yells as hundreds of swords come from the ground some small some sharp snd some three in one, everyone sword coming from the ground everytime issei dodged and moved out of the way so no attack hit even without flying.

Kiba remeber make things you don't make. Issei spoke as kiba looked puzzled and nods.

Alright you two by me some time. Kiba says closing his eyes and focusing all his power for new weapons. Kiba says as the two nod rushing at issei.

Tch.. Listen to ordees of a dragon. .. Dragon shot!! Issei yells firing a blast at koneko keeping her back while akeno goes for a kick but he grabs her leg and throws her after spinning around making her go flying. Helicopter helicopter haha, couldn't help it but next tine listen to a dragon fallen angel when say attack from mid to long range with thunder. Issei snaps shocking kiba and murasaki as akeno was a fallen.

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