the dragon vs the fallen pt 1

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Life for revenge


Key to my goal


Or should it be set a side.

Issei kept looking at azazel in silence until a smile formed on his face as he got up." Its a deal but you won't have his wings as those will be on my wall." Issei says as he begins to leave. "Wait kiddo got something for you." Azazel says to issei stopping him. "Focus your mind next time that gear of yours forms that way you might not just summon it at will but have the boosted gear become a 4th liberation." Azazel spoke making issei think for amount before he left.

"So how long are you going to stand there vala? "Azazel asked as vala came out from the hall to look at her father. "I wanted to stay here since seeing him at school but he is a dragon so i watched him train and now i wait." She explained as we now know what she did after she left ophis. "Besides dad you can call me vali my friends call me vala." She spoke annoyed saying explaining her name. "

"True but issei thinks thats your name so I'll tease you with it and Yes he really is strong even if it was a crack he broke a holy sword and THATS ALOT." azazel said as he smirked knowing issei will be the strongest red dragon in history.

Pov issei

Issei just left azazel and was walking home as he checked his phone to see it was 10:24pm and he had a few calls and texts from murasaki and rias.
"So what are you thinking about now?" Ddraig asked. Not sure maybe kokabel will do something wild due to god being "lazy" but we know thats michael doing work not him. Issei said as he knew the truth about god. "True however i told you that due to you being able to focus don't use it as a tool. Ddraig explained making issei smirk." Yeah sure thing but whats the 4th liberation azazel spoke of?" Issei asked as he heard draig begin to laugh shocking him a bit. "You see the 4th liberation is the version of the gear reaching to your elbow and gives you 10 gold spikes and a second gem its the second strongest but holy 2 people have achieved it and no one achieved the 5th liberation. "Ddraig explained making issei almost trip as he was shocked from what he heard. "NOT EVEN ELSHA GOT THE 5TH LIBERATION YOUR JOKING!! "Issei yelled as his ring glowed.

"Haha indeed issei i haven't but you could because in Strength you have it but mind you don't because you need a catalysts and a strong will and last but not least pure focus and currently you dont because you focus on that fallen your hunting. "Elsha spoke to issei and draig from the ring annoying issei. So either give up and fight for what is right or fight for revenge and be corrupted like the other host. Issei spoke in sorrow as now he relized being a dragon and a warrior is what makes him strong but his goal holds him back.

"Talk to you guys later got to go to bed." Issei says as he crossed the road and goes to his home. Time flys talking to a dragon and girl in your head. Issei mumbled with a smile as he turnes to see rias on the couch asleep waiting for him. "Aww i love this girl. "Issei says picking rias up in a princess carry taking her upstairs slightly waking the ruin princess. *yawn* ise? Rias asked as issei set her down the on the bed. Shh its ok red go back to sleep thanks for waiting for me love. He said as rias blushed and kissed him on the cheek going to sleep as issei kissed her on the head doing the same.

Pov the next day.

It was 5 am and issei woke up to see murasaki on the bottom of the bed as he smirked but went red and got up to the bathroom. "Ddraig explain why i feel weird." Issei said as he closed the door but not before looking at rias chest.
Your heat or mating faze for dragons and you got alot of things you like. Ddraig said red as the gear. But how long will it last i need to fight and.. I.. Cant focus. Issei said as he looked down to see his dick become erect and grow to 20 inches making issei grab a towel and hide it." For now deal with it or fuck and mark your mates it will last about.. Maybe a few weeks since your a teenager it could be a month. Ddraig spoke as issei palled. A DAMN MONTH!!! "Issei yelled waking the girls as he quickly locked the door.

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