bitches and fried chicken?

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Will tell..

There is a dark void of no flames no light only issei standing in it with confusion.

Ok where am i this is new if its a dream? Issei pandered until he felt a shiver a turned around to see the same fallen with the red eyes and pale skin that killed his parents as he then was fueling with anger.

BALANCE BREAK!!! DIE YOU BASTARD OF FALLEN!!!! Issei yelled entering his red scale male but it changed it had amber bronze on the chest where the scar showing issei going through a metamorphosis, the dragon didn't think about as he just rushed at kokabel breaking his light spear. Die die die.. Issei kept yelling as he punched and kicked and monster over amd over amd over again ripping his wings, lungs, ribs and liver till slowly he say the body on the ground put one hand on his head and a leg on his chest and instantly with no mercer he blasted the head to ash and stepped on the heart.

Haha.. Finally finally.. Issei says walking away from the dark out of balance break until he hears breathing behind him making him turn to go pale seeing his fsther to ash and hole in shirt where his heart was while his mom was headless and lost her ribs.

No.. No.. No no no.. Issei spoke scared as he looked down at his hands covered in blood making him sick as he puked he brought up black feathers..

Ahhhhh!!! Issei yells waking up from the dream completely pale and his scar glowly the same color as that balance breaker along with his scales and the gear protecting him.

Issei.. Issei its ok partner it was just a dream but did you see what i saw as well? Draig asked his partner. You mean the balance breaker? Yeah i did do you think it could be a vison of some kind? Issei thought mentally to his partner,most likely a new evolution to your power or life energy but the color was our auras mixing but what about a name? Draig asked. Solar inferno,hell star,hellzone grenade"dominate turbo, pride devastation,taco tuseday, calamity amber. Uhhh?? Fuck off im keeping that one. Issei and draig kept going back and forth till issei felt something move in his bed and he moved to see the time being 5:20 am and he moved the covers and saw a black and violet tail on one side and red hair one other.

Grrr... GET UPPPP!!!! issei yelled completely red and having a dragon tail out and hit his bed away with it as two naked girls got out rubbing there heads and back. Ow ow ow why issei? Murasaki asked licking her hand to annoyed. Yeah that hurt we just wanted to make sure you were ok. Riss rubbing her head until the two girls look at issei and looked down to see he can be like a normal boy but its as big as a spear.

Hey*grabs new pants since his old ones burned like always* don't look and humans called me a pervert. Issei ssid making the girls not just blush but get embarrassed as they are enjoyed seeing him as he then gets dressed. Hey rias its Wednesday we have school right are we in trouble? Issei asked as rias got up still naked. Yes we got school and no trouble since sona gave us a excuse for training and since you were sick that helped too. Rias explained as he smirked st what she said, so the pass ends today got it well lets leave early as murasaki will be able to get a school uniform so she is safe and so she will be with me and not kill anyone. Issei explained as rias knods getting dressed along with murasaki.

Hold up rias and murasaki here. Issei says snapping rias's bra and giving her a dragon shirt of his while he walks to the wolf, rias get water and this brush. Issei says getting a brush near murasaki and walking near her.

Issei what is it? She said scared, well you need your hair and.. Tail brushed. Issei says wrapping her with his tail and holding her hands as she tried to fight. No no no i don't want my tail brushed its to sensitive it *!!! Eeeeppp. Rias made her yelp by doing then dunking water on her and grabbing her tail brushing it. Shhh.. Shhh i got you and i will get your hair. Issei said using his claws to comb her hair as rias brushed her tail.

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