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"To work too much is to lose touch with the deeper rhythms of life and become a mere machine."

"I think, therefore I am, but to work without ceasing is to forget the importance of being."

"The person who works too much is like a ship that sails so fast it misses the beauty of the coastline."

"To work without rest is to forget that the soul needs time to replenish and renew itself."

"The person who works too much is like a musician who plays so fast they forget the beauty of the melody."

"To work without balance is to forget that the mind and body need harmony to function properly."

"The person who works too much is like a bird that flies so high it forgets the beauty of the ground below."

"To work without pause is to forget that the mind needs rest as much as the body."

"The person who works too much is like a river that flows so fast it forgets to reflect the beauty of the world around it."

"To work without meaning is to forget that the purpose of life is not just to accumulate but to create and enjoy."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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