Episode 4

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"After gaining enough data of that meddlesome blue hedgehog. I believe I created the solution to finally get rid of him. I constructed you to be my greatest creation. The ultimate weapon. Your sole purpose is to defeat and surpass your counterpart. Now rise! Metal Sonic." A young Eggman spoke to him.

Ext: Ares Island

Metal Sonic's red eyes would slowly glow as he boots up his system. Slowly becoming functional again as he gets up removing the sand that mostly covered him. When finally standing he quickly evaluates his system functions.

Metal Sonic

"Strange, I thought I didn't make it in time with my backup power. Hmmm, let's see. Remaining power is at forty percent. Heavy damage on both arms and right leg. Navigation system is not fully operational. Not like that would do me any good anyway. Great..." Metal Sonic begins to look around wondering where he was. "I seem to obviously be in a desert, yet this island seems to house various structures." Metal noticed the ancient ruins and temples out in the distance. Metal Sonic would soon look up and noticed a giant wyvern robot levitating in the sky. "So that's what shot me down. I guess perhaps another one of those titans she mentioned?" Metal Sonic would check his system again noticing that he was slowly recharging power by one percent. "I need to find a place to rest and charge up more power. As well as find tools to help repair me."

Metal Sonic begins to walk, taking his time to get out of the desert. He would find the walking rather annoying as being this slow felt agonizing. But perhaps that was just his personality of his organic copy speaking to him. But he knows that he could not waste his power recklessly and would need it in case of emergency.

Metal Sonic

"The doctor had set up multiple base bunkers on these islands. If I could find one here. I'll be able to repair myself." Metal would soon spot a dust cloud approaching his direction. "That's not normal." The cloud would soon calm down leaving Metal on guard. Suddenly a robotic claw would come from underneath the sand trying to crush Metal Sonic. He would barely dodge the attack rolling out of the way. "An enemy? Now of all times." Metal would soon get hit from behind by the enemy's tail sending Metal flying. Embracing for impact Metal would use his black shield to cushion his fall. What seem to attack him soon lost interest as it drills away. Metal lays on the sand feeling frustrated to be defeated that easily. That fight cost him ten percent of his power leaving him with only thirty-four percent.

Metal would carry on his slow journey in search for the base bunker. As he heads toward the ancient ruins. Metal would come across a bunch of Kocos along with another one of his organic copy's friends.


"Metal Sonic? Huh, Sonic did mention he bumped into you a while ago." He turned and noticed the robot.

Metal Sonic

"Oh great, the lousy guardian echidna. Not protecting the master emerald again I see. Don't tell me you're here because you broke it again."


"What you say? Tch, I'm only here because I got sucked into some weird portal from Sky Sanctuary. Then I was attacked by these robots on this island. Next thing I know I get trapped in a cage. If it wasn't for Sonic finding me, I wouldn't be freed."

Metal Sonic

"So, he's on this island too, I see."


"Hey, don't get any ideas. Sonic's trying to help us out here. The last thing he needs is his robot copy bothering him." Knuckles takes a fighting stance.

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