Episode 7

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Ext: Space

Up in the vast darkness of space near the moon was a purple barren cratered planet that faintly glows a reddish aura. Sonic was staring at it from a distance.

Metal Sonic Supreme

"Sonic." The giant robot called out to him. Sonic would look amazed at the result of his robotic copy.


"Wow, Metal. Nice upgrades. This has to be your best transformation yet."

The End

"Mortal, you have served your purpose. Now face your end." It tells the two opposing forces in its way.


"We will not let you destroy our world."


"Let's finish this guys. Time for the grand finale." Metal Sonic Supreme would nod his head agreeing to Sonic's words as the two fly towards The End.

Metal Sonic Supreme would activate his blasters and begin firing upon The End. Using every arsenal that he had to damage the planet. Putting up its defenses The End would try moving away and fire back at Super Sonic and Metal Sonic Supreme. Sonic would use his super speed and invulnerability as a way of defense to protect Metal from most oncoming attacks. Some that managed to pass by the yellow hedgehog, Metal Sonic would dodge As the two try to get closer towards their enemy.

The End

"I am the all-consuming void. What could you insignificant beings possibly do against me?" It questions them before preparing to fire a massive laser beam. Metal Sonic Supreme quickly got in front of Sonic and uses the Knight Titan's shield to protect the both of them from the blast.


"Thanks for the save, Metal."

Metal Sonic Supreme

"Sage, how do we really hurt this thing? Our attacks are barely doing anything."


"You have to activate your homing lasers. However, you're at 75% before you can fire them."

The End

"Countless Stars. Countless worlds. Countless lives. They all fell to me, all brought to nothing. You two are no exception."


"Man, the ego on this thing."

Metal Sonic Supreme

"It is rather annoying. Which is why it's going to feel satisfying when we prove it wrong." Metal Sonic Supreme uses the Supreme Titans gun to fire a powerful blast from his wrist at The End, creating a dent in its surface. The End would respond by firing more energy balls toward the two.


"Well, you might have hurt his ego with that one." Sonic said before they tried dodging all the oncoming attacks. However, so many were being fired that the two would eventually get hit. Even Super Sonic was feeling a bit stunned by each shot.


"Metal, we're taking too much damage. Deploying black shield." Sage would take control and activate Metal's black shield protecting him and Sonic from the onslaught of attacks. Giving them a moment to think.

Metal Sonic Supreme

"Thanks, Sage."


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