"If you don't try, you'll never succeed."

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Tw : mention of massive sh00t1ng


It was now the day before the first operation. And if felt like the day before going back to school, packing your bags, checking and rechecking everything in anticipation, mostly waiting with nothing to do.

Though König would stay with me most of the time, after he has seen me cry in the bathroom, he made sure to stay with me. He didn't try to make me explain and use words to comfort me, instead he hugged me tightly and stroke my hair, everything was really soothing and got me very sleepy.

He didn't tell anyone what had happened like I asked him, I don't want them to put more attention on me, especially after Watch's interaction.

Right now we were sitting on the couch watching news on TV. The news were in french so it was mostly König watching the images and videos shown on screen and me vaguely translating what happened.

"It's so weird looking at french people being so mad over little things when we know that much bigger things are happening."

I looked at him and stopped paying attention to the TV, I nodded to agree with what he said and added :

"They're so mad over retirement laws since they hate working, when in reality they chose themselves their job."

"Not everyone likes their job."

"Nobody is being held at gunpoint to do their job."

"Well, except us, sometimes."

I hummed, we continued watching the news about all the manifesting civils, them blocking roundabouts and burning bins.

"Bullet, do you like your job ?"


I stopped myself and thought for a bit.

"It's not like I can really do anything else."

"What would you dream to be ?"

"I don't know."

It was the easiest response I could find.


I froze, did he just call me by my name ?


He froze too.

"You know you told Leon and I your name right ?"

"Oh right I didn't remember."

"How did you find mine ?"

"Lieutenant Watch told us."

"Oh ok."

Damn I hate that name, Watch's name. I wanted to relieve the atmosphere, even though it wasn't that heavy.

"You made sure to remember my name, I'm blushing right now."

He loudly laughed, I giggled with him. It wasn't that funny, but we just needed some relief from all the pre-operation stress.

"Bullet, again, what's your dream job ?"

"I never had any. When I was younger, I didn't want to work, I thought I would live with my mom forever to avoid working."


"What's your dream job ?"

König chuckled a bit before answering.

"I wanted to grow flowers as a job."

I giggled, he looked at me with a, I guess could be, confused face.

~The Bullet Hole's Kiss~ ( König x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now