Chapter 2

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Natsuki slowly opened the door to her home, scanning her surroundings to make sure her mission is a quick in n out task. After the literature club, the girls decided to meetup in Monika's backyard with the shovel. Unfortunately for natsuki, she was the only one that had a garden shed.

Nat tip-toed through the living room, avoiding all the clutter, courtesy of her old man. When she got to the garden shed, which was in the basement on the other side of the house, she opened it and began to dig through the various garden equipment till she found the shovel, at least until...


To say that a chill went through her spine was an understatement, it felt more akin to a blizzard in Antarctica. She turned to see her father standing in the doorway to the laundry room, still in his business suit. "Thank f*ck" she thought, looks like it wasn't a night at the bar this time.

"What are you doing with the shovel?"

"A-a friend of mine asked to borrow it."

Her father narrowed his eyes.


"Uh-I dunno, she didn't specify."



The silence that filled the room was horrifying. The stare didn't help either. She always hated her father's eyes. They were always so empty, even when sober. A few moments of silence passed, until...

"Okay, just make sure she doesn't use for grave robbery, heh."

With that, he went to the laundry room, presumably to start another load. Nat went up the stairs feeling like she dodged an object going at the speed of god damn light.

Well, that was before she heard a loud thud.

Should she check or keep going? She wanted to see if he was okay, but at same time didn't want to anger him. She chose the latter and kept walking.

For about two seconds. She would have kept going if it weren't for something...eerie.


A voice that sounded so familiar to her, yet so different. The voice was garbled, like a radio transmission, but it also sounds like his lungs were filled to the brim with water.

"HavE you bEen A bad giRl?"

Well now she's definitely not going to check if she's just hearing things. This was a situation she's seen before, mostly on her dates with yuri where they would snuggle and watch horror movies. First victim hears noise, goes to investigate and gets brutally torn apart. So the first thing she did upon hearing that voice was to start hauling ass.

She knew she made a wise choice when she heard loud footsteps behind her the moment she began running for her life, they were loud and heavy, nat knew that whatever was chasing her was either right behind her, or just massive. Then suddenly, the footsteps stopped. Natsuki turned around and saw nothing. She was not going to fall for that because, once again, horror movie cliche, so she kept running, this time checking around her peripheral vision to make sure that whatever was on her tail doesn't get to ambush.

She didn't expect the wall to be busted through, because when she recovered from the initial shock, she saw who her pursuer was.

"YoU caN't Run litTle giRl!"

It was her dad, but his form was almost unrecognizable. His right shoulder was larger than his head, his arm was also swelled up and had long yellow fingernails that curved inward. A part of his face was replaced with black shifting pixels while his lower jaw became a fierce underbite.

He raised his arm, ready to attack. Natsuki then realized she had a metal shovel. She picked it up and horizontally swung it into her father's side as hard as she could, causing him to step backwards in pain, stunning him.

"aaaAhhHrRg yOu biT*h!"

Natsuki took this opportunity to run out of the house and towards her friends with the shovel in her hand and her demons behind her.

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