Chapter 3

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"And so, that is why Marisa is best girl."

"But reim-"

"Sayori, I told you, reimu doesn't make funny comments."

"U-um Monika? I forgot, what series are we talking about?"


"Isn't ToHo the company that made Godzilla movies?"

"Uh no different Touhou."

"Ah ok."

The other three were standing in Monika's backyard waiting for natsuki to come with the shovel. Meanwhile Monika was telling the others touhou lore.

Suddenly, natsuki came running in stage left with a shovel in hand and out of breath.

"Wow nat! You came like you were in a marathon!" Chimed Sayori.

"Guys" natsuki puffed "there's something REALLY Wrong here, my dad turned into...something and tried to kill me!"

"R-really? Are you hurt?" Yuri asked immediately.

"No, well not physically."

"Yknow" Monika began "we have been seeing some strange things with people."

"Yeah, they have been walking around kinda funny, and not the haha kind." Sayori added.

"So who's going to use the shovel? It can't be me because I'm too ligh-"

"I'll do it" yuri said almost immediately

"Alright, here you go"



"So what do you mean that people are acting funny?"

"Well, they walk like they forgot how to use their legs correctly, they're eyes become pitch black but flicker green occasionally and make weird garbling sounds."

"Yeah... that's definitely not creepy at all. Why is this happening?"

"I have a theory that may sound a bit far fetched but really it's all I got. I think it's the game trying to stop us because of our conversation in the club room."

"So what your saying is that the game is alive?" Asked Sayori

"Yea basically"

"That's some freaky shit" nat replied

"Girls, I think you might want to see this" called yuri

When they came over, they briefly forgot about how strong yuri was considering how she dug a 7ft hole in like two minutes like damn girl what have you been eating.

After they got over that, they looked down to see what she found. The hole opened up a large cavernous space. Strangely, there was a bottom. But the depth wasn't what scared them, rather it was the rabid snarling, growls and roars echoing out.

"Well then" Monika began "any ideas?" She asked, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

"I-I think the best way to confront this without directly a-avoiding it is to arm ourselves."

"Wait, your saying that you actually WANT to go in there!?!"

"N-not really, but I don't think we have a choice if we want to escape this place."

"...I mean like, fair"

"Ok then we'll go with yuri's plan." Said Monika. "What's going to happen is that we'll go home and search for weapons to defend ourselves, we'll then meet back here in 20. If you see any "people" do not interact with them. Got it?"

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