Chapter 5 - infernos of rage

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Tw: gore and a slur

After getting a well deserved rest. The girls continued towards the pink beacon. When they got to the pink zone, they debated on whether it was hot pink because of the hazards it contained.

It was like the blue zone in terms of looks, only pink. The girls assumed that the other two zones were the same. The only difference was that, like yuri, it was HOT.

Wildfires were everywhere. On the ground, in the streets, even on top of some houses. Strangely, the fires never seem to spread, produce smoke, nor destroy the wood they were coming from.

Even stranger, some of the fires had figures nailed on them like a cross. Most of them had a humanoid-like body, except they were covered in black fur, had sharp teeth and claws with glowing eyes. Rarely, they would come across a large fire with a werewolf like creature with torn human clothing nailed to it. To the surprise of everyone, these figures didn't suddenly awaken and pounced, they just lied there...dead.

"This seems familiar..." said nat

"In what way?" Replied yuri

"I don't I've seen this kind of scenery before in something you showed me"

"Now that you mention it... yea it does seem familiar...what do you think it is?"

"I'm not sure...but I rather not think about it cuz I want to get out of here before I get a heat rash."


As if the wildfires wasn't enough, they had to jump over flowing magma coming from the volcanos surrounding the area. Most of them were dormant, but some were awake and occasionally erupted, causing hot rocks to fall forcing them to take cover.

"What's that over there?" Said nat.

She pointed towards a figure standing in the distance. It was tall and had a feminine figure, wore a dress and had pink hair like natsuki's except it went down to the shoulders. The figure looked towards them, then spoke.

"Natsuki? is that really you?"


"I'm so sorry I left you...please, come give me a hug..."

Natsuki took a step closer, but before she could continue, she was stopped by yuri grabbing her shoulder.

"It's not her"

Nat briefly looked at yuri with tears in her eyes, then put her head down in understanding before turning to her "mother"

"Your not my mom"

"Oh don't be silly, of course I am..."

"Then what animal did you get a pack of scratch-n-sniff stickers of for me when I was 3?"



Natsuki unsheathed her serrated cleaver. Just then, the faker bent her knees and crawled forwards at high speeds with her jaw unhinged revealing needles in the place of teeth before jumping to strike, until it froze mid-air and glitched out before disappearing, courtesy to Monika deleting the MOMIMIC_1.obj file.

"Thank you" said nat with deep breaths

"I wouldn't let your guard down. I saw a 1 at the end of the file, which means there will more."


After half an hour. Nat caught something in the corner of her eye. It was a rather peculiar bonfire. Unlike the others, which were a normal orange, this one was purple.

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