The "First" Meeting

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Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, and T'challa arrived in the U.S. with Fury ready to greet them. "I see you all are doing well," Fury greets them. 

"We heard what happened," Steve states. "Are they really going to give Bucky a trial based on a news article?"

"The court of public opinion seems to have a huge influence nowadays," Fury retorts. "Which reminds me I have someone I like you to all meet. Meet your lawyer Matt Murdock." Matt approaches all of them with a friendly smile. 

"Hello, I'm Matt Murdock," he introduces himself. "I'll be Sgt. Barnes's lawyer during his trial and I will also be the lawyer for your petition to repeal the accords."

"So, Fury hired you I take it," Natasha insinuates. Matt chuckles lightly. 

"Sorry to disappoint but Fury didn't hire me." They all look at him confused. "Let's just say there is a secret benefactor paying my fees. Don't worry I'm sure you'll meet her soon." 

"Benefactor? Who would pay for our lawyer?" Bucky integrates.  

"Don't worry she's a friend. If she wasn't she wouldn't have written the articles," Matt points out. All their eyes widened in shock. 

"Are you trying to say the High Priestess, the one who wrote the articles, is paying you to be our lawyer?" Sam tries to clarify. 

"That's correct," Matt confirms. "Don't worry she has everyone's best interest in mind. If you're lucky you might just meet her. Come on let's go to my office, I have to prepare you for court. Sgt. Barnes's trial is first and then we can do the appeal." They follow him to a couple cars waiting for him. From there they drove to Hell's Kitchen. 

Arriving at the law office to find Foggy and Karen organizing documents. "Hey Matt your back," Foggy greets him. 

"Yeah oh I also brought my new clients." The former Avengers enter the office to find the two red heads. Foggy's eyes went wide as he didn't expect to meet them so soon. 

"Oh wow it's an honor to meet you all," Foggy stutters nervously. "Matt told us we were going to represent all of you. Which reminds me," he points to the back, "Eddie is here to talk to you."

"What is he doing here?" Matt asks confused. 

"He told me that he's being hounded on Mikaela's whereabouts by Secretary Ross and his subordinates," Foggy explains.

"Why are they looking for her?" Matt was sure no one had found out she was the High Priestess. 

"I think we all have a pretty good idea why. Eddie also said she hasn't been in contact since she left the country. All he knew was that she was looking for something." Matt turns towards his clients. 

"Please take a seat in the meeting room on the left," Matt suggests. "I'll be there in a min-." He was interrupted when someone barged into the office. It was a woman with half black half white hair. Large sunglasses were covering most of her small face. All eyes turned towards her.

"I swear they don't relent do they?" she murmurs under her breath. 

"Mikaela?!" Matt asks in shock, "what are you do here?" 

"Well I was running away from some government hacks. Oh don't worry I lost them about five miles ago," she brushes off. Eddie comes out of the office recognizing her voice. 

"Where the hell have you been?" Eddie interrogates her. 

"Calm down," she plays it down, "I got stuck in Germany for a couple days. I only got back two days ago. Oh that reminds me." She pulls out a flash drive and tosses it to Foggy. "That should help you on the upcoming trial." 

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