I tried to Kill You & You tried to Kill Me

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A/N: Sorry about the wait. I started a new job, and I'm trying to get my bachelor's so school started to take up time also. I've also had a bit of writer's block. I'll try to update when I can.

Loki and I were trying to sneak back into the compound

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Loki and I were trying to sneak back into the compound. "I can't believe you followed me," I scolded him. 

"What did you expect? You are known for causing chaos wherever you go. Besides aren't you supposed to be keeping me out of trouble," he retorts. 

"Don't make me turn you into a duck. Then I'll let a snake chase you around and maybe I'll let it eat you." 

"Good to see you haven't lost your touch when it comes to threatening people. I was worried you would become soft." 

"When have you ever known me to become soft when it comes to my threats," I give him a sarcastic smile. 

"And what exactly are you two doing?" an annoying voice calls out from the darkness. Great just what I needed. 

"Work," I answered plainly. If you guessed Tony Stark you get a cookie. This man is getting on my last nerves. 

"And this work pertains to what exactly?" Stark pokes. 

"Ask Fury, because I do work for him if you so dolefully remember. I don't have to answer to the likes of you. So if you excuse me I'm going to get some sleep. Any questions can be put and submitted in writing." I grab my heels from Loki and make my way to my room. 

Letting out a sigh of relief when I enter. Man what is with everyone up in my business. "You took your time," a voice states. 

"I'm really not in the mood, James." Turning towards him to find him on my bed. He looked slightly irritated. Reasons... I have no idea. Why is he so obsessed with the idea of knowing where I am all hours of the day? It boggles my mind.  

"Well sorry I can't help but worry you're just gonna get up and disappear," he argues. "You kinda have a record of doing that lately." 

"You wouldn't understand," I argue back. "I'm an immortal celestial being who can pretend to be human for extended periods of time. I have watched many of my loved ones wither away and die. I have been betrayed by those who I trusted most. I'm sorry if you think I'm being unfair to you but that was never my intention. For years I've thought about giving it all up but every time I do I'm sucked right back in. One day I will have to close the door in this chapter. When that is I haven't decided yet. However, you must understand I'm not human so I can't act like you expect me to act." 

"I don't care if you're human." He stands up peering straight at me. "I want the Leah I met in the 40's. The one who would laugh at all my flirting. The one who would make fun of Steve for being reckless. The one who showed to care for others when they came to her medical tent. The one who would tell people off when they were being idiots. That's the Leah I want not the Leah who's too scared of the world to actually live in it. I don't think I'm asking for much." Letting out a long sigh, my shoulders slumping in defeat, and giving in. He was correct in a sense. The main thing is I'm old. I've lived too long and maybe I'm coming to a point where maybe it's time to give it all up. I wouldn't be a normal human; however, I won't be immortal. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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