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I was finishing my makeup when there was a knock on my door. "It's open," I call out. A familiar former Russian Spy walks in. "Need something?" 

"The boys had me come in and check in on you," she explains. "It must be weird being exposed to the world like that." Giving her a little shrug in response as I never really thought about it. I'm so used to being in the shadows where only certain people are in the know. 

"Back then it was easier as I was brushed off as a goddess. Now you really can't get away with that nowadays." 

"What was the whole thing a few days ago with Barnes? I mean we never got an answer to that." Ah her spy is showing but I'll humor her. 

"He had a nightmare I provided him comfort." A smirk starts growing on her face. "Not like that Romanoff. Get your mind out of the gutter. I have the power to influence dreams. All I did was ask what his best memory was and gave him a dream based on that." 

"Do you know what his best memory was?" 

"I don't have the power to influence the mind like Wanda. So to answer that no I do not. Whatever it was it got him through the night. It was the least I could do for him." 

"What will happen once all of this is over? I mean everyone will go on with their lives but what about you? Are you going to continue to pretend you don't exist?" 

"Technically I don't exist," I point out. She rolls her eyes at me in return. 

"You know what I mean. The world knows about you now. There's no walking away from this." 

"My function is to make sure the universe doesn't fall apart. I have nothing besides my function. Maybe one day I'll give it all up to live a normal life, I mean I've come close to it. It just never happened. I'll go back to being your everyday investigative reporter." 

"I doubt Barnes or even Rogers wouldn't mind if you stick around for a while." 

"Maybe...we'll just have to see what the future holds." I try to get the back of my head with my straightener when it is taken out of my hand. 

"Let me do it. If I don't the men will complain that women take too long to get ready." We smile at each other in mutual amusement.

Today is the hearing to repeal the Accords. I will be one of the first people speaking for the repeal. Why do I keep agreeing with Nick I have no idea. Maybe it's because we've been friends for so long. Pearing myself in the mirror as I will never get used to my mortal form. It feels almost foreign to me. As if I'm in someone else's skin. Shaking my head I go join the others. 

I take a seat next to Natasha as we wait

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I take a seat next to Natasha as we wait. "You seem nervous," she mutters to me. 

"Wouldn't you be," I argue, "the whole world will be watching you defend the "thought you put in everyone's head". I don't sweat but if I could it will be buckets by now." 

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