New Housemates

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Everyone was gathered in the compound relaxing. Tony had come to talk to Bucky about a couple of things. "Where's Barnes?" Tony asked around.

"He went to find Leah," Sam answers. 

"Did he find her?" Steve asks. The last time he checked Bucky had no idea where she was. Bucky would spend days wallowing that he never got to thank her. They even went to ask Matt but he said he had no idea. Days after Steve tried to use all the sources he could to discover her whereabouts but she became a ghost. 

"No but Clint did," Natasha points out. That confused him for a moment as he didn't expect the archer to know her whereabouts. 

"How?" he asks more towards Clint. Clint gave a slight shrug. 

"I just texted her," Clint admits. "She was at a local mercenary hideout. Don't worry Bucky will be fine." 

"And do you want to share with the class how you have her number," Tony interjects. 

"We went on a mission together," Clint answers. "She gave it to me in case I needed a favor. Plus Fury would use her to gather information. You'll be surprised how much information that girl can gather." Tony was not happy about that answer. 

"What is this?" Tony exclaims. "It's like she has all of you under her spell or something." 

"Come on Tony," Natasha interjects, "even you gotta admit the girl is good. Even I wouldn't be able to gather half the information she does." Tony looks at her like she lost her damn mind. She just shrugs in response. 

Before Tony could retort a bright light shines from outside. "Avengers it's been too long," a boisterous voice announces his presence. "How have you all been?" Thor steps out of the bifrost to greet his friends. They all look at each other awkwardly. Then they notice Thor didn't come alone. 

"What is he doing here?!" Clint exclaims in a mixture of disbelief and anger. Who was the person that Thor brought along you ask? Why it was his brother of course. The one and only god of mischief Loki. 

"My father has agreed for my brother to atone to his wrongs," Thor explains, "so he must do three centuries of community service." Thor pats his brother on the back. "Don't worry my father made him wear special cuffs that limit his powers as part of his probation. So what did I miss?" 

"Bucky is bringing his new girlfriend," Natasha jokes. 

"Nat," Steve scolds. "She's not his girlfriend." 

"Yet,"she retorts. Which makes him roll his eyes. 

"Well looks like I missed a lot while I was away," Thor states. 

"That's an understatement," Sam adds. 

"Mr. Stark, Ms. Azure and Mr. Barnes have just entered the elevator," Friday announces. 

"Great more problems to deal with," Tony complains. Everyone starts arguing that Tony might be a little too harsh. Loki was relishing in the chaos when he senses a familiar presence. He then turns to his brother. 

"You know what I think, this is not the best idea," Loki tells his brother, "let's just go home and I'll spend the rest of my sentence in a cell." Everyone was now intrigued why the god was so nervous. 

"What is the matter, brother? I haven't seen you this nervous since you tried lying to mother when we were children." 

"Trust me we shouldn't be here. So let's go brother I'm sure father wouldn't mind." Thor was completely confused by his brother's action. 

"No no no I want to see what's got you so antsy," Clint interjects. Before Loki can retort the elevator door opens. The blond archer was willing to do anything to get back at the god of mischief. The elevator doors open revealing Bucky with the new guest. 

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