Chapter One: Crown

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Y/n Pov

"Hey Squid," My best friend was busy farming potatoes; per usual. His arch-nemesis went by the name 'Technoblade,' and was an even more hardcore farmer than Squid. Because Squid was my best friend, Techno was my enemy too. I paused mid-sentence, then continued, "How about giving up this whole war? Your gonna end up dying of exhaustion or something!"

He was so focused he ignored me and continued farming. I rolled my eyes and assisted by planting some seeds. After a few hours, Im_A_Squid_Kid had to make a supply run for some dirt to expand his farm. He was also going to sell some ice at the shop for extra money.

Finally, I decided to take a break as well. Sitting down on a bench, I took a sip of my water and closed my heavy eyes. My hands were covered in dirt, and my back ached from bending over while planting the seeds. After a few minutes of rest, I heard the chime of somebody entering the island. Surely Squid wasn't back already?

I grabbed my sword, ready to defend against the introducer; of course forgetting that this wasn't a regular survival server and couldn't attack anyway.

"Who's there?" I creeped towards spawn and... saw the most beautiful person I'd ever laid my eyes on? My checks instantly heated up and I became flustered and lightheaded instantly. A golden crown rested upon his head, and a long pink braid trailed down his back. He had two fangs and pointy-ish ears; so he was a piglin hybrid? His eyes were a bright red, yet they weren't angry, relaxed even. An enchanted netherite axe was strapped to his back, to possess such a weapon meant a great amount of skill, especially in Hypixel.

"You're staring," He scoffed. The stranger sat down and boredly looked around, scanning Squid's home. To say I was awestruck was an understatement, what could possess Microsoft to make a person so... flawless?

"M-my names Y/n, I stuttered. You?"

"Really? Names?" His stare became much more menacing, entrancing almost. Finally he sighed and replied, "I go by many names. Orphan Slayer. Blood God. Primarily however, Technoblade. Techno for short." He suddenly stood up and stretched his hand out. The hybrid wore leather gloves, and I couldn't help but notice the intricate designs on them. "Heh? You've gotta stop staring," He chuckled.

I couldn't accept the handshake now knowing who he was, so I nervously replied, "I'm sorry but I'm with Squid."

"Fine." He muttered, retracting his hand. "So your Y/n? Your score is fourth-highest in bedwars, a streak of 848 wins was your last record. Mine is an ongoing 1032," He smirked, "We should play sometime- but I'd probably beat you."

I bit my lip to hold back a rude remark, "Why are you fighting this stupid war? It's just potatoes. I've never seen the point."

"Isn't it obvious?" He suddenly snapped, the calm, sane demeanor diminishing. "It's the same reason you play bedwars. It's the battle. The struggle." He leaned forward from his sitting position and put his hands on his knees, "The suffering."

He smiled and leaned back on the wooden seat again, but suddenly his eyes widened and he jolted up yet again. "Fuck-" His hand went to his head, "Shut up. No more blood for today." Technoblade turned to me, "Farewell Y/n... for now at least."

"Al-already?" I stuttered, "I mean you just got here- enemies of not or whatever I didn't mean to

offend you or anything..."

The Blood God snapped his fingers, and purple particles floated around him as he left. The golden crowd with studded gems suddenly fell, and I hurried to grab it and give it to him before he teleported away. His head seemed bare without the crown. As I fumbled to give him the crown he suddenly took my hands, wrapping my fingers gently around the item. "Keep it as a reminder I'll be back. Don't tell Squid. Whatever you do, don't tell Squid." He chuckled again, and just as fast as he appeared he winked and left. I was left a shaking mess, don't fall for it Y/n... it's just a trap to get to your friend. Your BEST friend! For some reason though, my mind was still racing with thoughts I didn't really want to have.

Squid suddenly returned, and purple particles still in the air he said, "Hey Y/n! I forgot my pickaxe and thought I'd go on a mining expedition-" His voice cut off when he saw the golden crown in my hand.

"HE WAS HERE?!?" He went to snatch the crown but I jerked it away from his hand. The hurt expression made me regret my decision, but I at least deserved to come up with an excuse.

"Y-yes, and he dropped this."

"Don't lie to me," He glared, "Why else would you be a mess like that? If he just "dropped it?" Squid suddenly panicked, "Did he threaten you?!? Oh my god I swear if he did..."

"No." I tried to calm down my breathing, "He was just silent. Scary, that's all."

"If you say so," I hadn't seen him this nervous before, "Let me know if anything else happens. Nobody scares my Y/n. I'm winning this damn war!" He grabbed his pickaxe and left, leaving me to think about one particular word alone. Technoblade. Technoblade.



Thank you for reading up to here so far! I've been crying so much writing this, like genuinely. I'm listening to a Techno playlist, may the king rest in peace. Please remember to follow for more books and leave a comment. <3

~Love. Art. War.~   A Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now