Chapter 14

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Judge Heller came in and bangs her gavel and says, "You may all be seated."

"This hearing is regarding the custody of the minor child Georgie Jones Spinelli and this hearing was brought upon us by Maxie and Detective Nathan West."

Diane stands and says, "Yes your honor my clients and I are fully prepared to move forward with this case."

Judge Heller then says, "I would first like to have Mrs. West to say a few words about why her and Detective West filed this suit. Mrs. West this is your opportunity tell the court why you feel Georgie is better off with you and Detective West.

Maxie then stood up and walked over to the stand and took a seat as Diane says, "Maxie, will you tell the court why you brought this suit?"

"I brought this suit because I love my daughter and I want to continue raising her?"

"That's a bit dramatic Mrs. West don't you think?"

"Not at all. I missed the whole first year of my daughter's life and I have been finally given the chance to be a mother to her. When Mr. Spinelli and Miss Trout left Port Charles six months ago they left Georgie behind for me and Nathan to raise. We love her so much and we don't want for Mr. Spinelli and Miss Trout to take her away from us and all of the family that she has here."

Alexis then says, "Objection, your honor. Supposition. Miss Jones er Mrs. West isn't speaking fact. She is making baseless accusations about my clients."

Judge Heller says, "To which you and your clients will have chance to respond. Mrs. West please elaborate."

"Spinelli and Ellie stopped by our place last week and they came to tell us that they were their to collect Georgie and take her back to Portland."

Diane says, "So Mr. Spinelli and Miss Trout just shows up on your door step after six long months and then states that he wants you to give Georgie to him and Miss Trout so that they can return to Portland?

"Yes they did." Maxie says.

"And did you and Mr. Spinelli talk about this agreement prior to him showing up at your door step?"

"No we did not I have not heard from nor seen Spinelli in six months, so I was surprised to see him and Ellie at my door step."

"Maxie will you elaborate a little more about what happened when Mr. Spinelli showed up at your door?"

"Yes of course. Well when Spinelli and Miss Trout showed up at our door they said they were there to take Georgie back to Portland and how it was time that Georgie finally return home with them and how she needed stability. Nathan and I peacefully tried to explain to them that Georgie had stability here and that we had been raising her for the past six months and how we have her on a routine and she is safe and happy here in Port Charles with us. We explained how she had family and friends here, but they were determined to take her to back Portland. We tried everything to explain to them that Georgie was happy here but they wouldn't hear us and your honor I couldn't just hand my daughter over not knowing when I would see her again. I fought too long and hard to be in her life and I am her mother what kind of mother would I be if I just handed her over without knowing when or if I would see her again."

Alexis then says, "Objection, your honor my client never stated that Mrs. West couldn't see her daughter."

"Noted, Mrs. West is there anything else?"

"I believe Georgie would be better suited by living here in Port Charles. She has a big family who loves and cares about her. She has everything she need here she has her mother's love and she has a step-father here who loves her as if she were biologically his."

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