Chapter 16

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Nathan and Maxie were inside the courtroom talking with Dante and Lulu waiting for Diane to show up so that they could continue their third and hopefully last day of court. Diane then shows up and walks up to them and says, "Hello everyone are you all ready for today? Now Nathan they are really going to focus on you today and I have no reason to believe that they will have anything negative to say about you."

Maxie then says, "Well of course not Nathan hasn't done anything that will make him seem like an unfit stepfather to Georgie."

"Yes and if they try to bring up his sketchy family I am already fully prepared to show that his family has no affect on his ability to parent."

"Alright well let's get ready today is going to be a very hard day and hopefully by the end of the day you three will be able to start your lives together as a family."

The bailiff then comes in and says, "Court is now in session for the case West V. Spinelli. All rise for the honorable Judge Heller."

Judge Heller comes in and bangs her gavel and says, "You may all be seated."

"Well so far in this case for the custody of the minor child Georgie we have heard from Mrs. West and Mr. Spinelli and now today we will be hearing from Detective West and Miss Ellie Trout, so Detective will you please take the stand?"

Nathan gets up from his seat and head on over to the stand. Diane then gets up and walks over to the stand to begin questioning Nathan.

"Detective West how long have you and Mrs. West been taking care of Georgie?"

"We have been taking care of her for about six months. Every since Mr. Spinelli and Miss Trout left Pot Charles leaving her in our care."

"So it would be fair for us to say that you have somewhat of a father figure for Georgie?"

"Yes I have been a father figure to Georgie I have loved and cared for her as if she were my own child. I love Georgie and all I want is for her to be loved and cared for."

"Detective West do you believe that Georgie is safe with you and Mrs. West?"

"Yes I do a lot of people think that my job is very dangerous and it does have some risk, but I always make sure that Georgie and Maxie both are safe. I make it my job to protect them and to make sure they are safe. I would never do anything to put them in any kind of danger."

"Thank you Detective."

Alexis then stands and says,"Your honor permission to cross examine."

Judge Heller then says, "Granted."

"Now Detective West you claim that you don't want to put Maxie or little Georgie in any harms way but how can that be when you come from a unstable family who could easily put the child in danger. I mean there is your mother Lisel Obretchet who is a worldwide criminal, and then there is Nina Clay who drugged a mother and caused her to go into premature labor and then kidnapped that infant, and then your aunt Madeline Reeves who gave her own daughter an overdose of anti-depressants and put her into a coma for 20 years. Detective West you come from a long line of very harmful people who could put Georgie in danger or worst you could turn out just like your family members and put her in danger."

"I am nothing like my family members I have morals and integrity that little girl and Maxie have become my whole life and I have very little to do with my family unless it is to arrest them. When they break the law I uphold my civic duty to this town and the people who live in it by arrest them and putting them behind bars where they can't harm anyone else. I don't make excuses for my family I know exactly the kind of people they are but I have never nor do I plan to bring Georgie around them and I don't feel that I should be judged or criticized by the decisions that my family has made. I am my own person and I make my own choices and I would never put my wife or Georgie in a position where the could possibly be injured or seriously hurt. I have my own family now I do not have time to try to clean up my families mistakes."

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