Chapter 20

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"Nathan what is it?"

"Now Maxie just know that I did what I did because I love you and I love Georgie."

"Nathan just tell me. You are starting to scare me."

Nathan then grabs Maxie's hands and says, "Okay so you remember back in December when you had your custody hearing for Georgie and Judge Walter had denied you visitation again because he had heard that we had seen each other. Then out of the blue Judge Walter just changed his mind and reversed his decision."

"Yeah I remember."

"Well when you asked me if I had something to do with Judge Walter reversing his decision I didn't exactly tell you the whole truth. The truth is that after you left the hospital to go home the day you had lost custody I was so upset at Walters that I knew I had to do something to make things right. So I went to my mother to get some help and she went to Monica Quartermaine so that we could make sure that he would reverse his hearing."

"Wait a minute that makes no sense I know for a fact that Doctor Obrecht and Monica Quartermaine absolutely hate each other so why would Monica do anything for your mother?"

"Well my mother may have threatened to fire Monica because she was dating Walters."


"Maxie I didn't think that what I did was so bad it got you visitation with your daughter and that is all that matters here. I couldn't take it that you were being kept away from your daughter by a Judge who was taking out a vendetta on you. So I decided to step in and ask for a little help so you could see your daughter and be apart of her life. I will apologize for keeping it a secret from you all of this time but I am not going to apologize for what I did."

"Oh really well Nathan did you ever think that Spinelli could use this against us?"

"No there is no proof that I was involved in this there is no way anyone could link me to this."

"I can't believe you so let me ask you this so if Spinelli didn't completely loose his mind and wasn't trying to frame me for attempted murder and prove me to be an unfit parent were you ever going to tell me the truth."

"I really didn't see any reason to Maxie you have your daughter and that is all that really matters."

"WRONG ANSWER!!" Maxie says as she storms out of the interrogation room and grabs Georgie from Valerie and heads out of the station.

Nathan runs after her and says, "MAXIE STOP!!"

Nathan finally catches up to Maxie in the middle of the parking lot and says, "Look Maxie I know you are upset with me I wouldn't expect anything different from you right now. But we need to focus on the fact that Spinelli is trying to frame you right now so can we please put this whole thing aside and try to work together to figure out what is going on."

"You can figure out what's going on your the detective or why don't you go and as your mother for some more help and then you can solve this crime and then not tell me about it."

"Maxie this is serious okay. Dante is not just going to let this go alright in his mind you are guilty and you have some serious charges up against you."

Just then Nathan's phone rings he looks at the screen and says, "It's Dante he is probably calling to let me know about Lulu and wanting an update."

Nathan then answers and says, "Hey Dante how is Lulu doing?"

"Hey man she is doing fine she has a concussion and a few bruises but other than that the doctor says she should e just fine. They are keeping her overnight for observation."

"That's good I'm so glad just tell her I am wishing her a speedy."

"Thanks man. So have you questioned Maxie yet?"

"Yes I have and honestly Dante I can say Maxie did not do this she is being set up."

"Really Nathan? Is that the story she is selling you all of the evidence points to Maxie. Who could possibly be setting her up?"

"Well that is obvious Dante Spinelli is."

"Hold on wait let me make sure I am getting this right Spinelli risked his own life just to set Maxie up. I know Spinelli has kind of gone off the deep end lately but I doubt he would do something that stupid."

"Dante think about it everything is just too neatly put together."

"Either that or Maxie just got sloppy. Nathan I get that you love Maxie but I'm going to need you to do your job here. She caused a hit and run and then she left her best friend injured on the side of the road who happens to be my wife I am not just going to let that slide and sweep it under the rug not this time."

"I am doing my job Dante but I am telling you Maxie didn't do this."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"Because she is my wife and I trust that he would not put herself or Georgie in danger like that."

"Look I have to go the doctor has an update on Spinelli but I am telling you this Nathan I am going to get to the truth."

"Yeah and so am I." Nathan says as he hangs up the phone.

Maxie looks at Nathan and says, "Is everything alright? It sounds like you and Dante were having a heated conversation."

"We were he is convinced that you caused this accident and obviously we are both having a difference of opinion right now."

"Well I know how that is it is never fun fighting with a friend."

"Or your wife." Nathan says.

"Look Nathan I will forgive you for lying to me as long as you promise me you will never lie to me again about anything especially when you involve one of your crazy family members."

"Maxie I promise I love you and I will never lie to you again."

"Alright well you are forgiven then." Maxie says and then she leans in and kisses Nathan.

Maxie pulls away and says, "Alright let's get to work on proving my innocents before Spinelli tries to send me to Prison for the rest of my life."

"I agree with that but why don't we go take Georgie and drop her off with Mac and Felicia so that way we can really work."

"Alright let's do it."

Maxie and Nathan head on over to Nathan's car and they strap Georgie in her car seat and then the begin the drive to Mac and Felicia's house.

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