2 A Warrior's Path

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"Wake up!"

Jolted awake was Y/N. He had recently taken a nap after a day of training at Master Yoshi's Temple. In front of him were his sister, Devyn, and friends, Kurt and Juniper.

Juniper: Wake up ya lazy bum.

Y/N: What? I was just-

He was about to get hit by Kurt only for him to get up and grab his hand.

Y/N: Nice try.


He gets hit to the floor from behind by Juniper.

Juniper: Never let your guard down.

Y/N: You're lucky, Juni.

Juniper: Don't you ever call me that.

Devyn: Did you have that dream?

Y/N: Yes. You?

Devyn nods in agreement. Just then, a student appears.

Student: Hey, guys. Master Yoshi is gathering us at the Courtyard for our test.

Kurt: Come on, slow pokes. Let's get going. I'm gonna show you two and the master what I can do.

Y/N, Devyn, Kurt, and Juniper follow the student to meet up with the others who are waiting with before Master Yoshi's arrival. The four had been with each other for a decade in the Temple. The students were trained by Master Yoshi for hand to hand combat, and weaponry. The quadrup arrived and they see other students who gathered in a square on a large mat wearing their martial arts uniform.

 The quadrup arrived and they see other students who gathered in a square on a large mat wearing their martial arts uniform

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Then the master arrives.

Master Yoshi: Good day, students.

Students: Sensei.

Master Yoshi: Today, you will put your skill to the test. Only two of the best students will compete against each other to see who would be ranked master. Y/N, Kurt. Step forward.

The two students stood up before reaching to the center of the mat.

Master Yoshi: You two have proven yourselves worthy as my students. Now one of you will be ranked master of my dojo. You will spar until one you yields. Understand?

Y/N & Kurt: Yes, sensei.

The two friends look at each before turning to Yoshi bowing to master. They then turn to each before bowing.

Y/N: May the best student win.

Kurt: I don't plan too.

Yoshi: Fighters, ready!

Y/N and Kurt assume fighting poses.

Yoshi: Fight!

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