9 Regeneration

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My Heart's Light

Chapter 9: Regeneration

At the Autobot base, everyone has gathered at the medical bay area where Red Alert is scanning the body of Smokescreen. The Autobot was badly wounded by Megatron who had claimed the third and final weapon: The Astro Blaster.

Y/N: Smokescreen... why?

Optimus: Red Alert, will Smokescreen make it?

Red Alert: Good news. I was able to save his Spark.

Ghia'ta: His Spark?

Scavenger: It’s what keeps us Transformers alive.

Alexis: So, it’s like your heart then?

Jetfire: Yeah, in human terms, I suppose you can say that.

Red Alert approaches Optimus.

Red Alert: Optimus, I’ve got some great news on Smokescreen’s condition. His spark is in excellent shape.

Optimus: Excellent. And what about his armor?

Red Alert: Smokescreen’s body has been severely damaged. I’d say at least 90%. He’s banged up pretty badly, you know. But he still might pull through this whole mess… I hope.

Optimus: You mean… he might not recover?

Arcee: What?

Red Alert: I’m not sure if I have the skills to bring him back exactly the way he was before. But I’ll do my best, I promise.

Optimus: We’re counting on you, Red Alert.

Red Alert looks at Smokescreen as he fights to survive

Red Alert: C’mon… Hang in there, Smokescreen. I know you can make it. You’re a real fighter, old buddy.

Windblade: I know he has a strong will like us.

Hot Shot: Errggghh… (slams fist into wall)Man! Megatron’s gonna pay for what he did to Smokescreen! C’mon, Sideswipe. Let’s go get ‘im.

Sideswipe: Uhhh… Sure. Where?

Arcee: The Decepticon Base.

Meanwhile at the moon base...

Dominus had recently left leaving Megatron and the Decepticons. As time passes, the darkness within Megatron started to increase slightly.

Megatron: Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! (Shows the Astro Blaster) Behold! The Astro Blaster. It won’t be long before the whole universe is mine. And now that I have the Blaster, there’ll be no one to stop me. (To Thrust) I owe it all to you, Thrust. You’ve done very well this time. And you will be rewarded for your efforts.

Thrust: Oh, thank you, sir.

Megatron: You have earned the right to call yourself a Decepticon warrior.

Cyclonus: No fair! We did all the work!

Demolishor: Yeah! How dare he take all the credit for himself.

Scatter: All it is gratitude not a promotion.

Sideways: The Astro Blaster is the last of the three Mini-Con weapons. But the Autobots still has the Skyboom Shield.

Megatron: You're right, Sideways. We're one weapon away destroying the Autobots and Y/N.

Then footsteps are heard as the Decepticons turn to see none other than Starscream who is frustrated and damaged in battle. Gripping the Star Saber in his hand, Starscream makes his way towards Megatron. The others were amazed of his return.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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