7 Inferno

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Rad: We have achieved victory a few days ago with the help of our new friends: Y/N, Shahra, and Ghia'ta. We have never see someone who is granted a power we've never seen. Y/N showed us his weapon: a key shaped sword he called a Keyblade. We even meet his friends, Shahra, who is a Genie that can grant wishes and Ghia'ta, a alien girl who can fight like Y/N. And the best part, we managed to claim a Mini-Con right underneath the Decepticon's nose. We gained new allies and we are willing to win this war.

At the Autobot base, Y/N, Shahra, and Ghia'ta were given hospitality by the good machines along with Rad and his friends. Y/N has learned about both the Autobots and the Decepticons. The Autobots are guardians who fight for the freedom for their home of Cybertron. The Decepticons on the other hand are conquers whose goal purpose to return Cybertron to its former glory. The Mini-Cons are the primary objective for the two sides.

Y/N, Ghia'ta, and Shahra also learned about the Mini-Cons and their ability that given the Transformers an advantage in battle. They can even combine into powerful weapons like the Star Saber, the Skyboom Shield, and the Astro Blaster.

Y/N had started bond with the Autobots mostly Hot Shot, Sideswipe, Scavenger, and even Optimus Prime himself. He even develops a crush on Arcee.

Y/N: So this war you are fighting in has lasted for over a thousand years?

Optimus: More than Earth's early centuries.

Y/N: Hmm.

Hot Shot: I want to know is how did you be able to gain the power of that key sword?

Y/N draws his Keyblade and looks at it.

Y/N: Well during my days in Master Yoshi's Temple, I had this weird dream that I was in this platform in the middle of nowhere. I was attacked by the Heartless including this giant one. I was told by this voice that I am one who would open the door to the light.

Rad: Door to the light?

Carlos: What does that mean?

Y/N: I'm not so sure. I want some answers once I find my sister and gather the Gaurdians of Light.

Scavenger: The Guardians of Light...

Alexis: So, Shahra, how did you became Y/N's master?

Shahra: Well, Master Yoshi was my master at the time and he treated like if I'm a normal person like you. And then Y/N came in and he took care of me.

She looks at Y/N who is speaking to the Autobots.

Shahra: Y/N never treats like a slave and he has a heart of a warrior.

Just then an alarm blares out, alerting everyone.

Ghia'ta: What's happening?

Red Alert: A Mini-Con has been detected. We should meet up at the command room.

Y/N and the others head for the command room where Optimus awaits them.

Y/N: What is happening? Are we under attack?

Optimus: No, but a new Mini-Con has been spotted.

Rad, Alexis, and Carlos head for the computer to pinpoint the location.

Y/N: So, Alexis, any idea where the Mini-Con is located?

Alexis: Hmm. It should be right..... there.

The screen shows the location of the Mini-Con. It is located on an island with a volcano on it.

Alexis: I got it! It's on one of the islands in the Pacific.

Scavenger: The Decepticons are thinking the exact same thing.

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