That's not how it's supposed to go... OMORI x GN reader

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Requested by @Chaowoi

Plot for the story kindly written by @Chaowoi


INFO: The reader is already part of the gang and their personality is kel and basil mix together.PLOT: omori woke up in white space, go out and greet the gang. The gang hugs him but he only hugs the reader who happily hugs back. The gang went out and meet mari! The reader asked where basil is and he is still at his house taking acre of the flowers. The group went to basil's house to pick him up for the picnic and they come across all their flower types! And they come across the Freesia flowers (which stands for energetic is the reader!), omori make a flower crown out of them and put it on the reader. They picked up basil and picnic stuff goes on! Well until omori asked the reader to go somewhere private and the reader agrees. They went to the tree trunk and omori confessed his love for reader! Until the readers reject him. He was flabbergasted and says "no. This isn't what was supposed to happen. You're supposed to be MINE. MINE AND MINE!!" Omori then reset the headspace and fix the reader personality and make the reader loves him! And now they love each other!
(Also since the rest of the characters are so lively, I've decided to give OMORI a bit more character and tweak the story a little)

Omori pov

I stared at my laptop organizing the keys for the hangman game. I'd be a little late but I'm sure the gang wouldn't mind right?

Of course they won't. They never have, so why would they now?

Well actually, Y/N might be a little mad. They can be quite inpatient at times but that's okay, because it makes them who they are.

I keep looking through the keys when an old picture of Y/N appears making a small smile spread across my face as I remembered when had happened. Y/N was eating a snow-cone when they slipped on a patch of ice and dropped it. Of course I immediately ran to check if they were okay and thankfully they were but I still remember that smile they gave me after I looked at them with worried eyes.

I'm not sure, but after a ton of accessing, I believe this is when I first truly began to fall for Y/N. Don't get me wrong, I've liked her from the start but this is when I truly felt it for the first time. The desire to have someone so badly that you've let them invade your mind 27/7. The need to constantly see them or you'll go insane. The never ending paranoia that they'll find someone else and leave you in the dust before you even have the chance to confess. Is this not what it means to be in love?

My train of thoughts were suddenly broken by the knock of someone on the door.

"Umm OMORI, are you there...?" Y/N asked.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Despite being somewhat shy, Y/N was sharper than a blade when it came to reading faces. My facade never worked with them.

"I-If you're busy, I can come back another time...?" Y/N nervously said.

Damn I was ignoring them! I quickly grabbed my knife and ran to the door to see a now smiling Y/N jump up to hug me. The others did as well but I didn't really care about them. I have Y/N and to me, Y/N is all that matters.

We made our way through while I made sure Y/N was next to me as we held hand like always. As we walked through the naturalness of the path of trees I began remembering a certain occurrence that happened here. A sprout mole had hurt Y/N badly. I remember the pain, the guilt and the torture I felt that day. I wasn't able to protect Y/N. I could've lost them if my friends didn't step in but that guilt was quickly replaced with tsunamis of jealously building up inside me when I saw Hero's hands on their shoulders. I didn't care if he just saved them. That should have been me! Just who did he think he was!?

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