FINALLY! Yandere Hero x GN reader

421 14 42

(This had me dying)


Hero POV

It's been 6 months, 23 days, 9 hours and 37 minutes since I met them...Well, 38 now. Y/N the most breathtaking person I've ever met.

I sigh as I stare at them from behind a semi far tree, gawking in awe at their captivating aura. I decide to take out my phone and take yet another quick photo to add to my tremendously large collection.

My brand new camera yet again captures an outstanding print of my Y/N. Heh, they look so cute like this! Just like her.

Despite how badly I want them, I'll have to be careful. I've finally been given a second chance at love. I can't afford to screw it up. If I need to take them I'll have to execute the plan with care.

I stare at the photos grinning as I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. They do love me right? After all, everything I'm planning is for them. So if they don't feel the same way then I'd have to-

I shake my head clear of those stupid doubts. Focus Hero!

My eyes snap back open, taking in my surroundings as I try to get my thoughts together. I see nothing but trees and shrubs everywhere.

Damn, I didn't even see them leave. I wasn't paying attention. Lack of attention is EXACTLY what had killed...


I wasn't there for her then and now that she's finally giving me another chance through Y/N, I'm about to screw it all up again?!

I grab my things rapidly and sprint to find Y/N, cursing myself due to my inattentive nature. I quietly peer through their window and find them sitting on their couch, reading what I assume is fanfiction.

A soft smile graces their lips and their glimmering eyes shine as they swipe at their phone.

I assume they're enjoying themselves then and considering they have the attention span of a pea, it should be fairly simple to sneak in. Not that they'd notice even if they weren't on their phone.

They were clueless about the year I've spent living here. In their house. Yep, while everyone else thinks I've been studying hard at medical school, I've been living in the attic in my crush's house without them even knowing it.

Way to give my parents a heart attack but hey, It's not like I care about them anymore anyway. Not since Y/N came into my life and now, well, I feel like I'll go insane without their presence. God I hope they feel the same. Besides, Mari always told me to be true to my emotions so this should apply here too.

I slowly open the back door, trying not to make any noise and slowly enter the room using the duplicate I had made of Y/N's keys. I shut the door behind me gently, keeping my footsteps quiet so Y/N doesn't hear me coming.

Their back is turned toward me, probably still caught up on whatever chapter they are on. The sight makes my heart clench in longing. How long has it been since I last saw or talked to someone that makes me feel this way?

It feels like a lifetime, especially with the amount of time I spent studying or working to take my mind off well, her. But Y/N on the other hand, I don't understand how I could possibly live without seeing them every day.

"Y/N?" As if my mind had a mouth if it's own, I whisper their name, making them jump out of the couch and tumble onto the floor. They scramble to sit up, holding their chest as they gasp for air.

"Oh my god, sorry!" I quickly apologize, bending down to help them up."No no no, it's fine Hero..." they say in-between breaths, waving their hands around as they try to calm themselves down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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