Chapter One: The Birth of a Princess

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3rd of February 1987 - St Mary's Hospital, London

Staring out of the tinted windows, the Princess of Wales could not help but think of the other times that she had made this incredibly special journey; she had never thought that she would be making it again. 

The fact that she had already been blessed with two beautiful and healthy boys, whom she would not trade for anything in the world; she adored them, and she would love this child just as much. 

After the birth of Harry, Diana had not thought that they would have a third child especially with the fact that their marriage had started to crumble; she could not bear the thought that another held her husband's heart. 

However, fate seemed to have different plans and while she would not deny that she had sort out comfort from another; she knew that there was only one father for the child that she carried. 

It did sadden her that Charles had refused to travel with her to the hospital to see the birth of their third child; though she was sure he would bring the boys to visit when the baby was born. 

The claims against the child's paternity had stung but she knew why they were made, her revenge for him returning to Camilla had come at a cost that her child would have to pay for the rest of their life. 

Her mind drifted back to the night that had resulted in the blessing that she now carried; she smiled to herself remembering how rattled Charles the morning after had been when he had come to realise who he had shared his bed with that night. 

Instead of his darling Camilla, he had woken to find her by his side and had almost fallen from his bed in surprise; the two of them having held separate quarters for the better part of two years now. 

Diana was relieved when she did not see her husband most days, her attention focused on their sons when her schedule allowed and ensuring they would have lives that none before them born to their station would have even at such young ages. 

Reaching the back entrance of the hospital, Diana snapped out of her thoughts and focused on what was happening; she was thankful that no one seemed to have noticed her arriving. 

Speculation had been rather high since the news had been released back in early September that she and Charles were expecting, and she had no doubts that the press were waiting for her to make an appearance.

Slowly climbing out of the car and taking a glance around, Diana let out a breath as she clutched at her stomach glad to see that there was no sign of anyone that could reveal to the world that the birth of her child was close. 

Her contractions were starting to get stronger, and she doubted that it would be a long labour, it was rather early in the morning and even the binmen would not be making their rounds just yet. 

William had been born after sixteen hours of labour arriving at just after nine o'clock in the night; she had gone into labour a few days ahead of schedule and she had been amazed with how many people had shown up and sent flowers. 

Then there was Harry who had been born after nine hours of labour arriving at four twenty in the afternoon; he had been quicker but no less painful than his older brother. 

Charles had been rather resistant to the idea that they would have a third even if he did still refuse to admit that this child was his; but she had noticed that he had been more discreet with his meeting with her. 

A room quietly being set up for the baby and more than once she had caught him staring at her while she allowed William and Harry to feel the baby kick. 

The longer their marriage continued, the clearer it came to her that they had nothing in common and the thirteen-year age gap was only going to create further problems between them. 

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