Chapter Fourteen: Favourites

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12th of January 1997 - Kensington Palace

The news that her ex-husband had come to see her was not what Diana had expected that morning, it was the last thing that she wished to deal with but it was apparently in regards to their children and she could not decline. 

Charles and her still had three children that needed parenting, they were all growing up so quickly and time just seemed to be flying by. 

Adeline would be turning 10 next month, Harry was twelve and William was fourteen; it seemed like they were growing up so quickly before her eyes and she wished she could stop time. 

Stepping into living room, Diana squared her shoulders as she eyed her ex-husband as he sat upon the couch; she wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. 

She had dinner plans with Hasnat this afternoon that she was looking forward to, Diana didn't want whatever Charles had to say upsetting her before her date and she had time to detox once he was gone. 

"You look well," Charles noted politely, it was always so awkward between them and their ill matched marriage had not helped; he wished that things could have ended better between them. 

However, now they had to focus on parenting their children and he knew that this meeting had been rather last minute. 

Diana pursed her lips as she sat down across from Charles, she crossed her legs as she eyed him knowing that it was better that they didn't chit-chat like old friends. 

"I am sure you have things to be doing so I'll get to the point. Harry's school called," Charles said clasping his hands before him, he had been disturbed to hear what the boy had been up to and he knew that they had to do something. 

Harry's actions were unacceptable, he and Diana needed to get on the same page about all of this before his actions got worse and they were left to deal with an out of control teenager. 

"That headmaster has it out for Harry," Diana dismissed with a shake of her head, she had already dealt with the situation and she couldn't believe that they had called Charles about this. 

It was bad enough that the school was allowing the headmaster's actions to taint their son's education, she had been furious that they tried to say that Harry was the issue in all of this. 

"Perhaps. But it is becoming concerning how often this happens, even when he is at home," Charles stated knowing that this talk wasn't going to be easy to have, Diana could be a little blind when it came down to Harry. 

While she did admit that their younger son was not the brightest, she ignored his faults and pampered him maybe a little too much. 

"There's nothing wrong with Harry's behaviour," Diana dismissed moving to get to her feet, they were done here and there was nothing left to discuss here between them. 

She was going to shower and start getting ready for her date, it was important to her that she made an effort with Hasnat; she could see a future with him and she knew that it would change her life. 

"Just because he's your favourite does not mean that he can get away with treating others like they are beneath him," Charles said shaking his head and looking to his ex-wife, who paused at his words with a look of shock. 

Diana sat back down on the couch and shook her head in denial about what Charles had said, Harry was most certainly not her favourite child; she didn't believe that she had one. 

"You think Harry is my favourite. What kinda parent do you think I am?" Diana scoffed knowing that she might show her younger son more kindness but it was only to compensate for how he was treated differently than William. 

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