Chapter Twenty: Two Photographs

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16th of August 1997 - Balmoral

"That's why there's no salmon. Because it's so low," Charles explained standing by the river with his three children, they ignored the photographer that had been hired to capture this moment during their summer holidays. 

In comparison to the pictures that had been taken of Diana only days earlier, the sight of the Prince of Wales with his three children on a family holiday would be a welcome one. 

"Prince William, can you come closer in, please?" Duncan Muir asked focusing his camera on the three children, it was a little awkward especially in the cold, damp weather and they had brought the family dog with them for the shoot. 

Adeline and Harry had stuck closer to their father, trying not to seem to awkward for the photocall that was a stark difference to the ones that they normally faced.

As members of the royal family, it was expected that they open up certain parts of their lives to the press in exchange for the privacy that they received in general. 

"Widgeon, come," Harry called to the black Labrador that had come with them, Adeline stroked the dog as Duncan attempted to get the best photographs he could. 

William grumbled trying to hide in the back, a quiet discussion going on between Charles and his eldest son who wanted nothing to do with the photoshoot. 

"Perhaps you could throw some stones," Duncan offered wanting the pictures to feel less awkward than what he was currently getting, he had been a royal follower for years and had met several members of the royal family on occasion. 

Charles was eager to agree, anything to make this less awkward for his children and it was the reason that he had requested Duncan be the one to take this photos rather than the normal press pack. 

"Try skimming a couple," Duncan encouraged, Charles ducking down to help Adeline while William stood awkwardly and Harry tossed some stones into the river which Widgeon chased after. 

Adeline squealed as Widgeon shook his wet fur after returning to the shore causing Harry to laugh, the red head featured further in the front as William continued to linger in the back. 

The tensions seemed to slip away with the children directed to do something, it became a competition for them to see who could get their stones the furthest in the river with Widgeon chasing after them. 

"Could you stand with your father for me please?" Duncan asked once the tensions had fallen away, the four stopped and he grinned at them before taking the picture that would without a doubt be front page news.


Charles couldn't help but smile as they slowly made their way back to the castle, it was so relaxing here and it was one of his favourite places to be; he thrilled at having this time with his children with nothing to disturb him. 

It was a good distraction for the children especially given the morning papers, there was no escaping the talk or the pictures of Diana with her new boyfriend. 

Charles only wanted Diana to be happy and he feared how the media attention would affect their children especially when there was no escaping Diana's antics these days. 

Everything she did was splashed over the front pages, the press were dogging her every step and there seemed to be no way for Diana to escape it. 

Charles let out a sigh, a part of him wished he could council Diana against what she was doing but his words would not be welcome and seen an action of jealousy since he was her ex-husband. 

There was nothing that he could do to caution her, nothing that he could say that could protect her nor keep her from harm; her own actions, her own words used against her and the tide of public opinion was against her. 

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