Chapter Nine: An Interview with The Princess of Wales

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19th of November 1995 - Kensington Palace

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness," Darren McGrady greeted nodding his head to the Princess of Wales as she entered the kitchen that morning in what he thought was a fine mood. 

The children were all at school and the house was quiet like it always was since they retired to boarding school in September. 

Darren had been a royal chef since 1982 after training at the Savoy Hotel, he had worked for the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. 

He typically travelled with the royals between Windsor Castle, Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle until he had moved permanently to serve Diana and her children in 1993 after the separation of the Prince and Princess of Wales. 

It was a peaceful time here at Kensington when Her Royal Highness was entertaining, he knew more about the Princess of Wales' love life than he cared to. 

Although in recent months she seemed to have settled for the doctor that often came to the Palace when the children weren't home; she seemed to like him a lot more than most men that she brought home. 

"Good morning Darren, is there any news?" Diana asked rather cheerfully, a smile lightly up her face and she knew that her wait was nearly over. 

Her interview would drop tomorrow and then everyone would know her story, she didn't have to hide anymore and she would be free of the confinement that she felt had been forced upon her for the sake of Charles. 

He got to do as he pleased in his new home while she was trapped here with their children, no signs indicating that the Queen would allow them to move forward with their separated lives. 

Of course, everyone inside of the family knew who really run the show; nothing got passed the Queen Mother without her approval, she might not have been the Queen in forty-three years but she still ruled the family. 

Even Diana's marriage to Charles was down to the controlling woman, she had disapproved of every other match that was offered to the Prince instead focusing on her discussions with Ruth Roche, Baroness Fermoy. 

Lady Fermoy had been a close confidante to the Queen Mother and served as one of her lady-in-waiting; she had been a strong ally of the Queen Mother for many years. 

Lady Fermoy had always been a firm believer in the sanctity of marriage, she had even gone as far as to testify against her own daughter, Frances which allowed the then Viscount Althorp to retain custody of Diana and her siblings.

Diana had not been on speaking terms with her maternal grandmother when she had died in 1993, the old woman had disapproved quite a bit with how Diana's life had played out and how she had strayed from her marriage with those men. 

The Queen Mother in her stead had written several letters to Diana especially since she and Charles had separated expressing her displeasure at Diana's behaviour and counselling her to return to her husband and he would forgive her for her discretions that cast doubt on their youngest child. 

"You seem to be in a good mood this morning ma'am," Darren noted staring at Diana, she had seemed rather discontented in recent months and out of sorts. 

It was nice to see her acting like her old self, the doctor was really helping and Darren held high hopes that things continued to help her; she had been so cut off from everyone recently even her friends. 

Since the announcement of her separation from Charles, it was hard not to notice the slow decline in friends that came to visit her or spent time with her. 

Even with her close friends, like Elton John, there seemed to be a decline in relationship as Diana focused more and more on a project that she refused to tell anyone about. 

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