Chapter Three: Family Holiday

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7th August 1991 - Alexandra Yacht, Coast of Naples

"Harry stop tormenting your sister," Charles called looking up from his newspaper with a sigh and a shake of his head towards his youngest son, he would not deny that six-year-old Harry was rather a handful at times. 

Especially when he got it in his mind that he could torment his sister by pulling on her hair and destroying her things when he thought he could get away from it. 

It was supposed to be a nice relaxing break for the family now that the children had finished school for the summer and along with the celebration of ten years of marriage. 

Harry stared at his father wide-eyed at being scolded, his bottom lip starting to quiver and eyes fill with tears as he stared up at his father. 

It did not take much for a wail to escape the six-year-old, his little face scrunching up as he cried out as if Charles had just done something dreadful to him rather than scold him for his behaviour. 

William clapped his hands over his ears, shooting a look of annoyance towards his younger brother before disappearing off in an attempt to get away from the loud noises that Harry was making. 

"What have you done now?" Diana asked appearing from below, rubbing in the last of her sunscreen before hurrying over to Harry to comfort him; a look of distain on her face as she looked over at Charles. 

Adeline quietly moved away from her brother, a hand rubbing the side of her head where Harry had pulled rather hard on her pigtail and she made her way over to her father. 

There was no hesitation as Charles picked her up, smoothing down the slight wayward strains that stuck up out of her head. 

"There, there, Harry... mummy is here," Diana cooed at him softly, she searched her poor little boy over and rather her fingers through his hair as she calmed him down. 

Charles sighed with a shake of his head, ignoring the look that Diana shot at him and knowing that there was little that he could say that would smooth over the irritation that his wife felt. 

No matter what he did, he was always in the wrong anyway; it didn't matter it seemed that Harry could get away with anything in his wife's eyes even at the expense to his siblings. 

William's things were often stolen and broken while poor Adeline seemed to get the brunt of Harry's misdeeds, her things were often broken and Charles had found bruising more than once from Harry's rough play.

"Must you coddle him? He pulled his sister's hair," Charles stated firmly, he would not apologise for defending another of his children when Harry got into one of his moods. 

The boy didn't seem to understand the word no when it came to his siblings, even Charles had his issues when it came to speaking with Harry. 

It appeared that the only person that Harry would listen to was his mother, the one that coddled him with everything that she had. 

"Yes I must. Harry won't get any free passes of anyone else, it falls to me to make him feel special," Diana argued with a shake of her head and she pressed a kiss to the top of Harry's head. 

She ducked down and whispered softly in his ear, ignoring the look that Charles pointedly gave her and ignored him as he moved away taking Adeline with him. 

Seated further away from where her mother was comforting Harry, Charles set down his youngest and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. 

He'd never quite understand why Diana didn't see that she was only setting them up for issues later on, he loved all his children but there stations in life were all different. 

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