Chapter Fifteen: Happy Birthday Addy

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3rd of February 1997 - Kensington Palace

Rubbing her hands down her jeans, Diana plastered a smile on her face as she made her rounds greeting the parents of the children that had been invited to Adeline's birthday party. 

In the months since her divorce, Diana had found herself a little lost in all of this, it was surreal to think that this was how her life was playing out. 

Hasnat had been a wonderful support to her as she tried to find her feet, a simple thing that Diana struggled with in the months since her divorce as she tried to figure out who she was now. 

Her children were away most of the school year, leaving her alone to this big apartment by herself which she hated; the echoes of her failed marriage all around her as she struggled to find herself. 

Then there was the fact that she was no longer a working member of the royal family, although she had kept many of her patronages to carry on in her own right. 

Diana headed into the kitchen eager to get away from everyone, she knew many of them where whispering about her and she couldn't ignore that; the tide of public opinion was against her right now because of her interviews. 

She'd also found herself without the support of friends that had always had her back for years, they had turned on her like she was nothing to them only for what she could do for them. 

Resting her hands upon the counter, Diana took a deep breath trying to centre herself for a moment; a small part of her wished that Charles would be here to help host this entire thing but they had agreed that he would stay away. 

Things were still a little uneasy between the two of them, despite the united front that they tried to portray for their three children these days.

 Charles would do something with Adeline later in the week for her birthday, promising the girl some sort of trip to Highgrove and Adeline was excited about that even if Diana found the plans rather boring. 

It was her opinion that a party was so much better for the ten-year-old, most of her class had been invited to the party; the living room having been decorated and no expense spared as her last child turned ten. 

A part of her was sad to see her last baby grow up and enter double digits, she wasn't sure that she was prepared for having three teenagers under her roof anytime soon. 

William was fourteen, Harry was twelve and Adeline now ten, it was all moving too fast for her and she wished that she could press a button that slowed it all down; that she could stop her children for growing up. 

Diana had done her best to make sure that her children got the experiences that other royal children didn't have, she wanted them to experience not only the normal but to see how privileged they were as well compared to others. 

Clearing her throat, Diana tried to shake off the thoughts of how fast her children had grown up; she knew that they were becoming their own people now and she looked forward to seeing who they became. 

There was still so much for them to look forward to, the futures that her children would have and build for themselves; she was excited to be a part of that. 

Turning to head back out into the living room, Diana paused for a moment hearing the sound of laughter; she already knew that this would be the last party that she hosted like this. 

William would be fifteen in June, he would want to spend that day with his friends not with his mother and Harry was already making plans for his birthday in September; some sort of gathering with his own friends that she wouldn't be allowed to attend.

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