Section 4 - Preparation

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Jimmy, Amile, and a couple resistance fighters discuss their next move with the newly obtained bonds. Now, they can purchase the weaponry. Putting Obadiah Steelhemor out of business is what everyone hopes for.

Jimmy has to come up with a strategic plan to infiltrate the factories outside Westcover. They're heavily guarded by multiple gangs, and it was recently discovered that the red burette gang were disbanded. That means someone else is scaring the new folk. Jimmy strongly believes it's Obadiah, but there's no proof. Obadiah was in Samson the day he found out about the red burette gang disbandment. Samson is a city located in Ohio.

Obadiah wasn't stupid, that's why he traveled a lot. He had his own private carriage, his own transport company, his own industry, he was a powerful man in the U.S.

Jimmy had to figure out where Steelhemor first originated from. He discovered an ancient technique fight master from 1877. The last names linked up, even if they weren't the same. And Jimmy found out that this man was Obadiah's father, who died shortly after he was born.

Around a month into planning...again...Amile has an idea.

"Look, what if we start a gang of our own to protect the factories? Obadiah employs them for business, and with the red burette gang gone, they lost some business."

Jimmy Youssef
"Yeah, but that ruins the point of my revolution."

"Well...look...we're running out of options."

Jimmy Youssef
"We're not running out of options, I might have an idea."

"Spill it then."

Jimmy Youssef
"We're going to take out Obadiah Steelhemor. I was told the man got a woman pregnant, and I don't want him harming another soul."

"He didn't have consent?"

Jimmy only shakes his head no.

"Oh my god..."

Amile steps away for a moment, which Jimmy understands. What he didn't tell Amile, was that the woman didn't mind getting pregnant by a rich man. Some world, right?

A couple hours later, Jimmy is approached by a local banking agent for Westcover.

Banking agent
"So, I was told that you put a payment down for the city of Westcover?"

Jimmy Youssef
"Jimmy Youssef, at your service."

Banking agent
"Wait...Jimmy Youssef? THE Jimmy Youssef?"

Jimmy Youssef
"What do you mean?"

Banking agent
"The man that killed the kingpin?"

Jimmy's heart sinks. The only way someone could've figured that out is if...oh no.

A day later...

Youssef barely slept. He was approached several times by Amile, but he refused to answer or even listen to her questions. He was devastated. He was supposed to buy Westcover. Westcover could've been free without the death of Obadiah Steelhemor. Too much on his mind to even think about raiding the factories.

Amile finally gives up on trying to communicate with Jimmy. Instead, Jimmy finds out that Amile took a group of fighters with her to one of the lonely steel favorites out in the fields. More devastation from Jimmy Youssef coming up.

This time, Jimmy's prepared. Along the way, gathering men and weapons, Jimmy discovers a friendly new recruit that he knew from his childhood.

Tom Valaski
"It's been a long time, ol' friend."

Jimmy Youssef
"This is...quite the reunion. I didn't think you had the thought of liberation."

Tom Valaski
"My wife was killed in a house robbery. Seems there's a new local in Texas now."

Jimmy knew who this was, no doubt. But there was no possible way his former accomplice would track him down...right?

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