Section 7 - Obadiah's Factories

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Aaron Kosminski
"TOM!!! TOM!!!"

Tom lays on the floor, a bullet wound to the chest.

Tom Valaski
"We...must win the revolution. Kill Chicago, Aaron. Kill him..."

Aaron stands next to Tom's dying body. Chicago shot him in the chest, making the poor man inoperable.

Tom Valaski
"Find Jimmy. He's our last hope..."

A death that would fuel the anger of Aaron Kosminski.

Tom didn't make it, he was the first to die among the named fighters.

Jimmy and Chicago had a fist fight after Jimmy disarmed the revolver from Chicago's hand. Both men are nowhere to be found. Last Aaron saw them, Chicago broke a window clinging on to Jimmy.

Aaron proceeds outside the safehouse where he notices multiple sheriffs approaching.

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"You see Youssef recently? Where did you just come out of?"

The sheriffs eye the metal door to the safe house. A lot of renovation happened to the safehouse to make it less noticeable...obviously that didn't work.

Aaron Kosminski
"What happened sheriff? Why are you here for Jimmy?"

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"Heard some shooting going on, thought I'd stop by after that coach incident."

Aaron Kosminski
"Well, he's not here. After one of those factories we raided, Jimmy hasn't been seen."

Sheriff Lightenhouse
Approaching Aaron, "you lying to me boy? I may be a cold bastard, but I can read a liar for miles."

Aaron gets in Lightenhouse's face.

Aaron Kosminski
"He's not here horseass. Fuck out of here."

The sheriffs backing up Lightenhouse don't appear to be from Westcover. Aaron...notices this.

Aaron Kosminski
"Who's your boyfriends? They don't look like they're from around here."

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"A question you don't need an answer to."

Aaron suddenly realizes what's going on here. After the death of Tom, Aaron knows not to trust the law in any circumstance with how the world is. Texas has corrupt officials, even the officers.

Sheriff Lightenhouse
"Kill this punk of a kid," stepping away.

This causes Aaron to flee to the safehouse. The sheriffs now able to enter the safehouse upon discovering the location.

Approximately 6 minutes earlier...

A punch to Jimmy's face, a kick to the stomach, a pinch to the arm, the whack of a revolver. Chicago is beating Jimmy in a fight right now near the safehouse. They're right next to a road, so multiple people witness the fight and cheer Jimmy on, who's losing.

Finally, a kick to the knee is enough to get Jimmy off the ground. Another kick, left and right punch to Chicago's face. But this doesn't stop the recently appointed bounty hunter. A swift kick to Jimmy's nuts, a forceful knee to put Jimmy on the bench for good.

"I should've ENDED you back at the kingpin's house. I tracked you down for ages, and FINALLY, I get what I deserve."

Jimmy Youssef
"Wasn't...the damn...plan..."

Jimmy's groin hurts like a motherfucker. Chicago doesn't want to rekindle, so the tip of his revolver is placed on Jimmy's forehead.

Jimmy needs help, but the only ones around are the citizens of Westcover. But...the revolution influenced those who want a better life in Texas, and America in general. This is the only way to get America out of criminal tyranny. A few men grab Chicago from behind, throwing him to the ground. Multiple kicks to the side and neck, enough to put Chicago on disability.

This gives Jimmy his advantage, grabbing Chicago's revolver to end the man he once called his friend. One bullet to the head. It's over.

Jimmy Youssef
"May god protect you in the afterlife. See you in hell."

Aaron fires a rifle at the sheriffs inside the safehouse. The firefight continuing with the sheriffs returning fire. There's not many fighters inside the safehouse, so backup is negative. The only backup Arron would receive, is Jimmy himself. A few shots to the back using Chicago's revolver, Jimmy eliminates the majority of sheriffs infiltrating his safe house.

Jimmy Youssef
"These damned officials!"

Arron Kosminski
"Screw the plan! We need our fucking revenge! Tom is dead."

Jimmy Youssef
"Just give me a minute, I had to kill Chicago."

The painful and depressing tone in Jimmy's voice reveals he's overwhelmed and in distress.

Aaron Kosminski
"Forget the sheriffs. Forget Lightenhouse. We should take Obadiah's factories. We need to free Texas."

Jimmy Youssef
"Chicago was right about one thing, Aaron," a slight pause, "Obadiah needs to die."

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