Section 8 - The beginning of the end

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Aaron Kosminski
"So, as we all know, Obadiah Steelhemor is a rapid industrialist. He owns four factories outside of Westcover, but only uses three of them. Thanks to a previous fighter of ours, the fourth factory is now inoperable. Jimmy came face to face with Obadiah. And pretty soon, 1891 gets closer to the new era."

Jimmy's fighters surround a large stage in the middle of nowhere Westcover.

Jimmy Youssef
"Obadiah needed to know my name. And he discovered who I was and what I was gonna do. I'm The Black Skull, the face of the revolution, of the resistance, the rule breakers. It's time to stop living in fear and distress. We've went through hard times before, and I was right there with you. Chicago infiltrated our safe house, childhood friend. But...Tom's death proves that once you're a killer, you're always a killer. Regardless if you're doing it for money or not."

Aaron Kosminski
"I'm proud to serve as the revolution's second-in-command."

The fighters cheer. It looks like everyone agrees Aaron deserves the position. With Jimmy's mindset changing back and forth, both men are prepared to capture the Steelhemor factories, as well as kill the man himself. Training has increased, fighters starting to spread out across Texas, prepared for a huddled attack.

Jimmy and Aaron manage to find a small vantage point where they could spy on Obadiah's stagecoach approaching the factories. Fortunately for them, they discovered that Obadiah hired mercenaries now. No more squatters or common bandits, now...professionals. However, Jimmy didn't care too much for mercenaries. They were just big guys with guns, nothing more.

Aaron Kosminski
"You made up your mind, right? Obadiah is to die?"

Jimmy Youssef
"Final decision."

Obadiah's stagecoach approaches. All fighters are on a time limit, prepared for the attack. Jimmy and Aaron set up small firearms that tigger automatically when the timer is up, aiming for the mercenaries outside the factories.

Jimmy Youssef
"Did the informant get back on Amile?"

Aaron Kosminski
"'s not looking too good for her. I don't expect much back after the message."

The timer's up. The raid on Steelhemor's factories begin. Multiple fighters finally arrive at the factories, shooting their weapons and throwing explosives through the windows. The automatic weapons Aaron and Jimmy set up fire, killing around three to four mercenaries.

Jimmy Youssef
"Join the fold! I'll hang back."

Aaron is sent to the front lines with the other fighters. The fighters that set up around Texas start slowly closing in with their rifles, shooting at any mercenaries that decide to retreat. Luckily though, the fighters didn't have much to deal with, other than a petty mercenary that "didn't sign up for this".

After the shooting outside succeeds, Jimmy moves. He decides to conceal his identity for now, a black custom made skull helmet covers his face and the rest of his head. He has a rifle equipped, ready to kill Obadiah. The doors to the first factory are opened, multiple fighters entering to dispose of the camping mercenaries. Jimmy enters with the fighters, but no sign of Obadiah.

A yell from Aaron rings in Jimmy's ear. Exiting the first factory, Jimmy heads to the back, where he finds Aaron stabbing mercenaries aggressively with a homemade shiv.

Jimmy Youssef
"Oh my god..."

The attack lasts almost five minutes, Aaron yelling demonically as he commits the murders. After the deed is done, Aaron spots Jimmy.

Aaron Kosminski
"I'm 17, let me have some fun."

Jimmy Youssef
"That was concerning, but I guess it's the thought that counts."

Jimmy and Aaron stand side by side as the second factory is raided by Jimmy's fighters. But again, no sign of Obadiah.

"Two factories down, one to go. Fat man must be in there!"

Jimmy, Aaron, and three fighters approach the east entrance to the third factory. Jimmy can hear Obadiah inside, so this must be it.

Jimmy Youssef
"Alright, you all know the drill. Make sure Obadiah is at least disarmed before I take his life."

Aaron Kosminski
"are you sure this is the final instruction? After this, Westcover is free, and the rest of Texas is up to us."

"How does taking out Obadiah secure Texas?"

Jimmy Youssef
"I explained this before. Now's not the time."

The five men invade the third factory, Obadiah seen running up the stairs to the second floor.

Jimmy Youssef
"Keep them company! Remember, Obadiah's mine!"

Aaron and the three fighters secure the first floor by providing covering fire. The mercenaries will stop at nothing to protect their client, so Jimmy barely has any running room.

Aaron Kosminski
"I- I can't! I'm out! I'm out of bullets!"

Jimmy Youssef
"Retreat Aaron!"

Aaron Kosminski
"No! I promised to fight."

Aaron retrieves a sidearm to protect himself further. More mercenaries enter the third factory and take out most of Jimmy's fighters. Now, Aaron and Jimmy lay stranded on the first floor, laughing occurring on the second.

Obadiah Steelhemor
"You really thought it would be this easy Jimmy! When I met you face to face, I was determined to see how your failure would proceed. I saw faith for a moment, but this...this is just embarrassing."

Aaron Kosminski
"We're short on numbers, Jimmy. What do we do?"

Jimmy decides to talk while waiting for reinforcements.

Jimmy Youssef
"You know why I'm here Obadiah!"

Mercenaries point their weaponry towards the cover Aaron and Jimmy lay behind.

Obadiah Steelhemor
"Because my wealth infuriates you. Jealousy at its finest! You think that just because the United States is falling apart, that I'm the one causing all of it."

Aaron Kosmsinki
"We need to act fast. I'm scared, Jimmy."

Obadiah Steelhemor
"Oh! But you must be concerned about the trafficking ring I'm affiliated with. Is THAT why you're here? Or are you here because I'm in control of Westcover? The government doesn't look in my direction unless I ASK THEM."

Obadiah's words blind Jimmy for a moment. He doesn't remember the trafficking ring being mentioned in Obadiah's past.

Jimmy Youssef
"You're giving me countless reasons to end you."

Obadiah Steelhemor
"Jimmy let's face it. Even if I die, more will take my place. I have children, they will continue my legacy. And my legacy will continue for generations to come. You TRULY believe I am the end of the Steelhemor's? Nice try."

The mercenaries open fire.

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