Chapter Fourteen: Quirkless Consequences

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Nezu's tail flicked as he called the meeting to order. The teachers sat around the table with grim faces. "Has anyone found the sender of the note?" He asked.

"I honestly forgot about the note."

"I've analyzed the handwriting, and I'm about 80% sure it's Hanatabi from General Education 2–E." Cementoss stated with a sour look.

"Then keep a very close eye on him. If we can catch him in the act, even better. I'll bring in Tsukauchi to ascertain his statement." Nezu said. He glanced around the room again. It'd been a full week since Midoriya had been given the note and lily, and he hadn't reported any other instances. Either he wasn't reporting them, or their students were being cautious. Nezu didn't like either option. The student responsible for shoving Midoriya down the stairs had been dealt with swiftly and without mercy—his deliberate action had been caught on one of Nezu's many school cameras.

"They don't deserve any mercy! Such actions are similar of a villain!" Iida shouted.

"I wouldn't go as far as to call them a villain, Iida, but you are right." Uraraka said.

But the flower incident had not, which bothered him. Hanatabi would make sense. The boy had a weak teleportation Quirk. He could teleport any inanimate object the size of a book or smaller to anywhere within a ten-foot radius of himself. The better he knew the object he was transferring, or the destination, the easier it was to do. He didn't even need physical contact with the object. He could've easily teleported the flower from within his school bag to Midoriya's desk as he walked past the classroom.

"He had guts, I'll give him that." Jiro commented. "However, he doesn't know Mr. Aizawa like we do. Mr. Aizawa will not have rested until the culprit was found."

"There's a reason why we call him Dadzawa."

Aizawa spit out his coffee.

Privately, Nezu thought the child wasted his Quirk. So many applications, and yet no drive. He'd claimed to want to be a hero when he started, but he never applied himself. He could've learned the inner workings of robots and teleported pieces or screws away, compromising the integrity of the structure! This kid could've brought down their Zero Pointer with little more than a wrist movement. But he refused to think outside the box.

(Quite the opposite of Midoriya, who could come up with creative solutions to many problems without the use of a Quirk.)

"Quirks aren't everything." Aizawa said.

Nezu was very disappointed. Hanatabi had become bitter over the break about not being able to transfer to heroics. But Nezu refused to transfer someone who didn't show the proper drive or ingenuity. He'd only get himself and others killed. Still... the principal had hoped he hadn't gone far enough to teleport the flower and note to Midoriya's desk.

Nezu had asked the staff to keep a closer eye on Midoriya. All things considered; the boy may not notice half the bullying. It'd become so normal for him over his short life that certain actions, words, and gestures may not come across as threatening or harmful to him. The way Aizawa described his casual reaction to the lily only cemented this theory.

"It's true. I wouldn't have noticed it unless someone pointed it out to me that it was wrong."

"And Midoriya? Have any of you noticed any unsettling interactions or negative treatment from his peers?" Nezu asked.

"Kids glare at him in the hallways. Some of them don't even bother to hide it unless a teacher's around." Aizawa grunted. "Midoriya's taken to eating his lunches by the window in the east corner of the lunchroom. I don't know if he consciously recognizes it, but the window opens easily and there's a sturdy tree right outside. It's a quick, easy escape route should he feel cornered. I fear he's falling back into what look to be some old habits, too. I've caught him hiding school supplies around the campus. I don't know if it's because someone's destroying his things, or if it's because he expects them to."

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