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now playing....

months have passed since sohee had become a trainee under kq ent. at the current moment she lay restless in her bed, an uneasy feeling lingering in her stomach.

something felt off. but she couldn't figure out why. it had also been around two months since she had last seen minho, this thanks to his participation in the 'Stray Kids' survival show.

she couldn't be more than proud and happy for him. it was the biggest thing to have happen to the trio since they'd chosen this path. and especially with only 5 months of training under his belt at the start.

sohee felt her body aching, her head was spinning and stomach grumbled in pain. her body was begging for rest, for food. but sohee wasn't going to give in to her body's cry's.

this was the sad part about her trainee life, she'd grown accustomed to the decreasing amounts of food in her diet. the restriction of only eating during daylight, yet being constricted to the walls and fluorescent lighting of the dance rooms during the day.

as the clock neared 2 in the morning, the girl continuously tossed and turned. trying her best to give her body the sweet relief of sleep, even if it'd only last for a short while.

now frustrated, she forced herself up. quietly making her way out of her solo room to the kitchen, trying her best to not wake up her dorm mates. that's if, they were even home to begin with.

truth be told, it was rare to see some of her fellow trainees around the dormitory. like her, sometimes they'd spend their nights in the dance rooms or vocal rooms, crashing on the couches in the corners as they tirelessly prepared for monthly evaluations.

a knock sounded through the dorm, frustrating a sleepless girl even more. sohee grumbled, stomping her way to the door. she could only assume it was nagyung. she was the only one to come back so late and forget her keys for the hundredth time.

swinging the door open, sohees eyes closed in frustration. trying her best to not shout despite her sleep deprived state, but as she carefully opened her eyes, her anger faded. in fact, every emotion she'd felt prior jumped out the window and concern washed over her.

"why the hell are you coming back at 2am without your damn- lino." her heart jumped out of her chest, the sight of her lover surprising her. but the tears that were forming in his eyes had surprised her even more.

teenage years ♧ lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now