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present day

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present day.

walking back towards their dressing room, sohee was wiping the tears she didn't realize had fallen when hyori came running from behind.

"did you guys see the way lee know was looking at me? he's so dreamy" sohee froze at her group mates words.

she thinks he looked...at her ?

"i swear he was looking at sohee-" hyori cut
hayoung off by covering her mouth.

"no no, i swear he was looking at me. i should try and get his number-" yuna was the one to stop her this time.

"hyori, we just debuted 7 months ago. we don't have the time nor status for relationships yet. you guys can be friends though. i wouldn't mind building a friendship with a group." yuna smiled which made hyori's smile and sohees eyes both widen simultaneously.

she was about to say something when the girls all left in the direction of the stage exit. hyori was talking to their manager about asking to get closer with stray kids and she had agreed thinking it could benefit their development and immediately contacted the company.

their manager then proceeded to send the girls an okay sign and head off to tell stray kids' manager about it who was also on board. sohee was frozen. it all happened so fast. way too fast. she pondered on her luck that the companies had agreed to such a plan so quickly. especially since the ceo's well... know.

when the boys came off stage, still wiping some of their tears of joy, they noticed the girls there and were confused. their manager pulled them aside and explained. like sohee, minho was frozen. his feelings for the girl never left, but none of their members were aware of their past. how were they going to hide this? sure when they were trainees it was easy, but now? likely to be surrounded by cameras? they're screwed.

their managers sent them to introduce themselves to each other and get to know each other for the next little bit while they brainstormed some plans for the two groups.

hyori sent a wink to minho but he just gave a confused look back and bowed with the rest of his group. minho tried to position himself in front of sohee so he could talk to her but unfortunately couldnt get to the end in time and ended in front of the one beside her. she couldn't take her eyes off of him and nagyung seemed to notice.

"what's with the heart eyes for lee know" she nudged sohee in the side, making her drop her phone that she held a loose grip onto.

sohee panicking, because she never changed her wallpaper from a photo of her and minho, quickly scrambled to pick it up. a stupid thing to keep, but she didn't have the heart to change it. minho noticed her wallpaper and smiled as it was still his too. the pair had never let their bandmates see their phones.

"n-nothing" sohee managed to stutter out. when the managers went away hyori immediately ran to minho and the other girls just talked with whoever was infront of them. she started a conversation with seungmin who was in front of her but her eyes had kept trailing over to minho.

"sohee i don't mean to assume but do you maybe already know lee know ?" her cheeks reddened.

"oh- ah haha i don't know minho, i've only seen him a few times at perform-" seungmin cut her off with a chuckle.

"i never said minho, any other group would say lee know. plus, i saw your lockscreen" he said this quietly incase sohee didn't want anyone to know. she was stunned at how he had observed and determined such a small detail so quickly.

"looks like im right, here i'll get him for you" by the time she realised what was happening minho was shyly standing in front of her. hyori shooting looks.


seungmin 🥰🥰🤞🤞🤭🤭😍😍😍🫡🫡🫶🫶🤭🤭🤞🥰🥰

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seungmin 🥰🥰🤞🤞🤭🤭😍😍😍🫡🫡🫶🫶🤭🤭🤞🥰🥰

teenage years ♧ lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now