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the door clicked shut behind them as minho kicked it closed with his foot, guiding sohee over to his bed so she could sit down

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the door clicked shut behind them as minho kicked it closed with his foot, guiding sohee over to his bed so she could sit down. she hesitated before sitting down, her body on high alert.

he took a seat next to her, placing a hand on her thigh that had been bobbing up and down. sohee was shaking uncontrollably, but minho knew she just needed time to recollect herself.

they were away from all the eyes, from the crowd. even though they were surrounded by people they loved, the number of them can become overwhelming at times.

it seemed as though her mind began to run again right as her breath hitched. minho thought she was beginning to calm down, but clearly that wasn't the case. he quickly moved, careful not to startle her, kneeling down in front of her and holding onto her hands.

"do you need comfort or space, love." he spoke softly, trying his best to not startle and panic sohee any more than she already was.

"comfort... please..." her voice was still trembling, but minho nodded. smiling softly, as he stood back up and sat back down. on his bed behind him, he placed a few pillows against the wall before scooting back to lean against them.

"come here, let me hold you." sohee slowly scooted back to where he had been sitting, trying to take deep breaths. in and out. all in an attempt to calm her agitated body.

they found everyone's social media's through the old dance account.

the realization hit her harder than she'd intended it to, the tears that had been waiting to fall finally gave in. alarmed, minho grabbed her quickly and pulled her into his embrace.

he brushed through her hair carefully, holding her closely with his free arm. minho could feel her hands snaking around his torso, holding him so tight. his heart panged for her, he felt the tears dampening his tshirt but he could care less about that.

leaning down, he placed a loving kiss on the top of her head. sohees cries became more hearty and he just sat there holding her close, hoping the built up pain and stress would ease away.

her breath continued to stagger, being uneasy and wheezy. she continued to shake uncontrollably even while holding him so close. "i- i cant stop it... i'm sorry..." she spoke between sobs as she dug her head further into his chest.

"it's okay, it's okay. just breathe. you don't have to be sorry about anything. i've got you. i'm here."

he'd be lying if he said this was the first time he's witnessed sohee break like this. it's happened a couple times before. once in third year, after exams and before graduation, sohee broke down. the stress from exam season, piled on top of the decisions she needed to make about her post secondary life had come in and hit her like a truck.

teenage years ♧ lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now