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long ass chap jus for y'all<3

following dinner, everyone had grabbed towels and changed into their comfier clothes

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following dinner, everyone had grabbed towels and changed into their comfier clothes. they moved onto the beach, getting closer to the water so that they could enjoy the sunset together.

everyone sat in a circle, falling into a group conversation as they shared their respective stories from all the lives they'd been living since they went their separate ways.

"wait so changhyun got on the bad side of the entire student body within his first year of university?!" mirae asked, utterly baffled whilst the 99' line simply nodded.

"this is what he gets for going to yonsei university, instead of SNU like the rest of us~" siyoon teased, earning a dark glare from the latter. "well sorry your dumb school didn't offer my program. and last i checked im on a free ride through uni and you're swimming in student debt~"

siyoon shut up quickly, grumbling to chaewon next to her as the older couldn't help but laugh. "no no, don't move on yet. i need to know how the hell he managed to piss off so many people." minho inquired, raising an eyebrow at the younger male.

"he rejected the headmasters daughter, she's treated like royalty there. all the guys in their year were pissed off." yangeop was holding in his laughter, watching as changhyun turned his gaze low and a pink tint dusted over his cheeks.

"i like someone else, so what..." his voice trailed off, gaze moving towards siyoon who was still grumbling to chaewon. yangeop teasingly raised his eyebrows at him, changhyun couldn't help but become painfully flustered and yangeop enjoyed every second of it.

minho tossed his arm over changhyuns shoulders, rocking him from side to side as he boasted about how he'd become some sort of heartthrob after graduation. "i'd like to thank my own guidance, i'm just too perfect you had to follow in my footsteps."

"let's not get ahead of ourselves there lee, changhyuns always been a cutie" sohee interjected, earning a dramatic gasp in response from minho. the two of them fell into a bicker match, detaching themselves from everyone else.

"they never change do they?" woobin nudged over at mirae. the girl couldn't help but smile as she watched over her friends. "nope" she pronounced the 'p' with a pop, turning her gaze back to the elder. "it's refreshing though, wouldn't change it for the world."


that next morning, mirae and hyerim woke everyone up with the clanking of pots alongside their bickering, sounding from the kitchen. the unhappy morning crew, groggily came downstairs to see what all the ruckus was about.

"it's 8 in the goddamn morning, why are you two being so noisy." jibeom grumbled, momentarily pausing their bickering to meet the tired eyes of the older male. "she started it!" they both shouted at the same time, pointing at the other with whatever kitchen utensil they were holding.

teenage years ♧ lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now