It's Been a While

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Shelby's POV:

"Ever since I've came back from.. what did the Hermits call it? HermitCraft? What strange people. Anywho, ever since I saw the wanted posters, my wanted posters, I haven't been feeling.. normal? I don't think that's the right word. I haven't been feeling right. No.. I haven't been feeling.. as I normally do! Let's just leave it at that. I've been more, tired and out of control like I'm not myself. I know, I sound like I'm going insane." I explained in a semi-panicked tone to Tortoise. Tortoise croaked curiously and took a short hop towards me, showing his concern. We always somehow understood each other, and I never knew why or how but I never complained about it.
"But hey! Don't go and get to worried about me! Just because I feel, a little different doesn't mean you should be concerned about me! Look, just because I accidentally killed-" I was cut off by a loud croak from Tortoise; he looked sceptically. "Okay I didn't kill Joey OR Jimmy. I merely.. uh... got a little too into the moment threatening them, yeah that's right." I quickly fixed my sentence but Tortoise gave me the "seriously?" kinda look. He knew I didn't mean what I had said. "Listen, you've got to trust me, boy. You know I'd never go killing anyone for fun. You know that." I told Tortoise, reassuring him I was fine. I was. I had to be.

It had been a few hours since I had that talk with Tortoise; it was getting late and I was cleaning up my house and shop since I had been away in HermitCraft for awhile. As I walk out my shop, I watched the moon rise over the mangrove trees. Oh how I had missed this place. I then walked to my house, and started to get ready for bed. I changed into my pyjamas using magic and went to put away my clothes when I noticed something on my overalls. It was a dark blue spot. I sat there for a few seconds trying to guess on what it could be until I realized "Oh dang I got sculk on my overalls." I exclaimed in a disappointed tone. It just meant more work for me but it had to wait until morning; I was exhausted from today's works. So I put my overalls on a stool by my bookshelf so I could remember to wash them. I then hopped into bed, relieved as I drifted into the most relaxing sleep I had had in awhile.

As the moon fell, and sun rose, I had already gotten up, eating breakfast and drinking a nice cup of tea. My overalls were nice and clean again; ready to be worn once more. I still had plenty of more tasks to complete around my empire to keep up to date; restocking some ingredients for potions, cleaning up messes I had left before being pushed into the rift by Joey, and more sculk that had been left behind by Cub. I still felt bad for what had happened to him even though he forgave me. It never sat right with me.

While I was fixing up my empire, it began to rain. I hadn't thought much of it since I was used to it and I was still able to work in it until it began to pour harder and I was forced to take a break. I watched rain droplets go down the window, thinking about what I had done to Joey and Jimmy the other day. Mainly what I had done to Jimmy.
He may not be the most respected sheriff, but he still took care or crimes and not only had I refused to speak with the toy, but I had slayed him with my scythe in my home. He didn't deserve it but he had asked me to many questions, not leaving even when I demanded he left since he did not have a permit or the right to just barge into my house without my permission. Joey on the over had sorta deserved it. I'm saying sorta because he was still being rude to me, even after our "truce" at the festival with Katherine. Katherine! She hadn't crossed my mind in a while which is surprising. I hope she's doing well.

As I thought more and more about Katherine I began to heat up, wondering if it was just the humidity in the room because of the heavy rain. It very well could've been, I was still watching the rain drops on the window, occasionally betting on which rain drop will make it to the bottom of the window before another. That was when I caught a glimpse of myself in the window; it wasn't was because of the humidity from the rain, it was me. I was the reason I was heating up. I wondered why for a little until I realized it started because I had been thinking about Katherine.

But I couldn't be! Katherine wanted to be friends! Nothing more! But was she was so beautiful, stunning, amazing, I could go on and on.. I fell into a daydream, beginning to heat up again. That was when Tortoise croaked, to grab my attention. The croak had startled me and I almost fell out of my chair. This wasn't the first time this had happened so that was why Tortoise was not worried that I had almost fell down; he had croaked on purpose and gave me a ">:3" face, knowing I was thinking about Katherine again.

"Really Tortoise?" I began to say, getting out my chair "You know you don't have to do that each time." He then just croaked, most likely meaning "yes I do have to do it each time."
It had been a little past afternoon, and the rain had turned into a light spit, meaning I could go out again.
I was thinking to myself about Katherine again. I mean who couldn't? I had been gone for who knows how long and I want to know how my best friend was doing! That was when I had an idea "I'm going to visit Katherine, Tortoise!" He croaked in approval, knowing I wouldn't be able to go 10 seconds without being a blushing mess towards Katherine and I hate to admit it but he was right. I put on my hat, grabbed my scythe and wand, just in case, ran out the door and hopped on my broom, towards Glimmer Grove on my way to see my favourite princess.


Hey so this is my book and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This chapter was mainly about Shelby coming back from Hermitcraft but next chapter, our favourite pink, monster hunting princess will be in it!
I will be trying my best to post and keep you guys updated if I'm busy! Have a good rest of you're day!
Words: 1101

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