Rainfall Filled with Emotions

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Currently in Niagara Falls with my cousin and ding-dong-ditching and prank calling ppl. Enjoy this chapter!


Shelby's POV:
"I only have one bed... you'd have to sleep with me.. in my bed." Katherine said shyly as she turned in the direction of her bedroom. I myself turned very red and finally built up the courage to reply with "Sure. Of course." in a muttered voice. Katherine then, without a word, walked towards her bedroom as I followed her, still very embarrassed myself of the question she had asked me.

Ooh~ look in what room she's in~

Ahh! Shut up voice! And what do you mean "she's"? You're literally me.

She definitely likes you.

Don't get my- I mean our hopes up plus it's not like she wanted for me to sleep with her, she had no other choice.

Yes but you guys were just sitting on a couch. She could have easily offered for you to sleep on the couch.

Yeah but that would be rude and seem like she didn't want me her.


My thoughts cut off in that moment since we had just entered Katherine's bedroom. I glanced at the clock in my pocket; 10pm. Already? Thank goodness for the clock otherwise we wouldn't have known if it was night or not. Katherine grabbed her pyjamas and walked out saying she was going to be right back since she was going to change. I used magic to put on my pyjamas and just sat on Katherine's bed.
I began to fidget with my fingers and move my legs like crazy; moving my legs very quickly back and forth were my favourite way to stim. As Katherine walked back in, very quickly stop stimming, hope she wouldn't have noticed. However, it was obvious she did notice since she looked at me with a concerned smile; she knew I only ever stimmed that much when I was nervous or bored. She than sat beside me on the bed; I felt a couple butterflies in my stomach began to fly.
We sat in silence for a little bit until Katherine broke the silence saying "Are you tired?" in a hushed tone. Almost on cue I yawned. "A little." I responded, also in a hushed tone. That was when Katherine gestured for us to get under the covers on our sides of the bed; I took the right side and Katherine took the left. "Good night, Katherine." I said before I fell asleep. "Good night, Shelby." Katherine replied in a soft voice. I drifted to sleep, comforted by Katherine's soft voice.

Katherine's POV:
Oh gosh was this awkward; I was sleeping in bed, with Shelby! Never in a million years would I have thought this was happening. Shelby had looked tired and was started to fall asleep and I couldn't help but blush at her little yawn. God, why was she this cute. Right before she fell asleep, she said "Good night, Katherine." in the sleepiest voice. Once again, I blushed ever so slightly and said "Good night, Shelby." And without thinking, I kissed her on the forehead. Apparently I hadn't noticed until I laid back down because when it me, it hit me harder than karma itself. I was praying she didn't notice and to my liking, she was already asleep and hadn't seem to notice. Oh thank PearlescentMoon. It took me a little while longer to fall asleep but right before I did, loud thunder had rumbled right over Glimmer Grove, scaring Shelby, even in her sleep.
I felt bad for the girl; ever since today she has been more sensitive to loud sounds than ever! She was already sensitive to loud sounds but now it seems that any sound that rings out of the blue scares her. Because of the thunder, Shelby and I were wide awake. She hadn't sat up, but I could tell Shelby was awake. My poor girl, I wonder what happened for her to be this sensitive and scared of loud sounds. She probably thought I was still asleep because she turned over to face me and looked a bit stunned to see me looking right back at her with a concerned face. She looked as though she wanted to say something, but the tears forming in her eyes had prevented her from saying anything.
In a panic, I grabbed Shelby and pulled her closed and began to comfort her. "Shhh... it's okay, Shelby. I'm here.. there's nothing to be scared of." I whispered to her reassuring everything was okay. I guess she really appreciated the comforting because she began to sob in my chest; I felt horrible. Because of her sobbing, a tear or two shed my eyes as well; anytime I saw anyone cry, it made me emotional too but especially this time since it was Shelby. I had never in my life seen her cry and I guess that really hurt me, probably more than it hurt her.
After a few waterfalls of tears and comfort later, Shelby had fallen asleep again. This time I covered almost her whole body with the blanket, leaving only her head peeking out the top. Her head was still in my chest, still breathing heavier than normally since she had fallen asleep.
She looked so adorable I just wanted to-

Do it.

What do you mean "Do it."?

You know what I mean. Come on she's right there.

But I couldn't, I wouldn't.

Could, would more like should. Come on when is there ever going to be another opportunity like this? You wouldn't want to waste this perfect opportunity.

You're right but I'd be wrong. With her asleep, I just feel as though I'd do it without... I don't know, permission? Plus, she probably got over me.

Her you go again with the "she probably got over me." Don't you see..

The voice in my head trailed off as I drifted into a peaceful slumber, with Shelby still breathing heavier than usual.

It was morning and the storm was still above us. "How big was this storm?" I thought to myself as I looked down at Shelby. She's so adorable. I decided not to move since I didn't want to wake her, so I just laid there, with my head on top of hers.
Sooner or later, Shelby had woken up and looked as though she didn't recall anything that happened the previous night because she looked even more stunned to see herself snuggled up to me than she did last night. She got up quickly and began to apologize "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Katherine! I didn't know I was this close to you! In so sor-" "Listen, listen. It's okay I forgive you." I forgave her even though I knew I was the one who hugged her first last night.
We then got up to go eat breakfast, Shelby still apologizing the whole way to the kitchen. It wasn't until after asked "You want to know something, Shelby?" She look inquisitive and tilted her head a little to the left. Oh my god Shelby are you testing me at this point. "I was the one who hugged you first last night, not vice versa ." I smiled. It wasn't until Shelby began to blush like a bush of roses when a thought crossed my mind; when had I gotten so confident? I was usually just as flustered around Shelby as she was around me but all of a sudden I wasn't. Just the thought in itself made me blush like crazy too.

Shelby's POV:
The rain was still pouring and more clouds were on their way. I wondered when it'll end so I could go home. But it's not like I want to go home! I mean- ah. Caught myself in my own trap. I did want to stay here with Katherine more.
As I watched the rain droplets in the window race each other again, Katherine walked over and as looked out the window. I had sort of lied to her about not remembering everything that had happened the previous night and I had felt bad for lying but it just would have made things more awkward than they already were. In fact, though I cried myself to sleep, I would replay that moment for the rest of my life; it was so calm and peaceful. She was so calm and peaceful. "You okay?" Katherine asked with a smile. I answered with "Yeah just thinking about Tortoise. I left him at home." Katherine looked at me then back to the window. She then said "Looks as thought you'll be staying here for awhile, huh?" still looking out the window. "Mhm." I mumbled, admiring her.
I was interrupted by a thought; why was I so sensitive to loud sounds recently? Nothing about me as changed. Well, except for the sculk but I'm sure it wasn't cause of that, right?

Personally really enjoyed writing this chapter and hope you liked it too! Have a great day!
Words: 1469

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