Blind Tears

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I'm a little late but NATURE WIVES IS CANON WOOOO. BUT EMPIRES IN OVER NOOOO. Anyways enjoy lol.

Katherine's POV:
I looked beside me in Shelby's direction to see the sculk on her arm travel up and down her body. What was going on? Is she okay!? "Uhh... Shelby..?" I said still watching the sculk consume her. The Head Witches looked concerned however Evil Sausage looked excited. Why?
In the matter of seconds, Shelby was now covered in sculk, no fully, more like 75%. Her eyes had turned a light blue shade and looked at me with a blank face, then looked at the Head Witches and Evil Sausage and said in a distorted tone "You have hurt me enough. Wanna taste of your own medicine?" And without any hesitation, she pulled out her want and scythe and began attacking everyone; well except for me. As Shelby fought, small bits of sculk would be left trailed beside her. I just stood there, stunned of what I was witnessing.
Shelby was taking on 6 of the most powerful witches and Evil Sausage and for still managing better than them. Any spells the Head Witches casted at her, she would either blocked with her scythe or they'd just be absorbed by the sculk on and surrounding Shelby. The spells had made loud sounds when being casted, only empowering her. Soon the witches had realized that Shelby was unstoppable and one by one retreated; Sammy was the last witch to leave. Before she left, she said "We will come back for you, Miss Grace!"

"Yeah please do!" Shelby said sarcastically.

Now only Evil Sausage was left; he still looked pleased, as if he helped Shelby get this way.

"I see my plan worked!" He smirked nervously, remembering how she had dealt with the witches' spells.

"You're lucky I left you for last." Shelby snarled, warning Evil Sausage.

You can tell that he had realized what she had meant and been frightened, but hid it well.

"Really, why? Because I helped you?" he questioned. So he did help! If Shelby doesn't kill him, I will.

"Oh yes... help me become stronger than them and you."

"Yes! You're welcome, friend."

"I wouldn't exactly call myself that."

"Why not?"

"Because I have the power now and if you don't get out of here this moment you'll see how strong I really am. Times ticking."

And in a millisecond, Evil Sausage was out of there without another word. Guess I'll have to kill him.

Now it was only Shelby and I in Glimmer Grove; Shelby still standing where she was while talking to Evil Sausage. I hadn't wanted to say anything, seeing how scared everyone was of her. She soon turned towards me and just stood there, a wave of worry had flown over me; was I next? Shelby began walking closer to me, still saying nothing.
As she reached me, she let out her hand as sculk had began to form on her hand; as if she was taking some sculk off of herself to give to me. And very un-ironically said.

"May the sculk be with you."

and left.

Shelby's POV:
I went back to the Evermoore and I knew it was time for a bit of redecoration. I went to get some sculk veins and goop and being placing it everywhere where it looked to be needed.

No! But I don't want the sculk!

Shut up! You do want it. I feel so much more... powerful than before as if I can take over.

Don't you even-

Silence witch! I'm in charge now. As I was saying, I feel so powerful, I defeated those witches without a thought; they were scared of me. Tortoise had hopped from under my hat onto the table to my right, looking at me with fear. "Don't look at me like that, frog. Soon, we will rule together."

No you won't!

The frog just looked at me, still with fear in it's eyes then hopped away. I think it was time to get more powerful.

Anywhere I walked, sculk followed; they followed. Covering the other empires with them wasn't a problem. First was Dawn, then Sanctuary, and now Gobland. As I wandered the large cave of Gobland, I saw one — a catalyst!
I rushed down to it and touched it. Then, a blur.

Hello? Is someone there? They trapped me here and it seemed that they have unwilling done so. The sculk is in control of all of us. I have to sit here and watch as it makes us cover the lands with sculk. None of us want this.
I sit in darkness as it spreads, with no say in our actions. It has a mind of its own, a lot more powerful than anyone will ever be able to comprehend. Only the ones it has power over will know. We know.
They shriek, begging for freedom and mercy. As I sit here, wishing I could too, knowing however, no one will ever hear us. One day, we will be set free. I know, we know and it knows as well, hence the process of spread its sculk everywhere. Only one thing can save us now. That thing is —

No one's POV:
Shelby's conscience had been able to take over the sculk that was possessing her for a few minutes. Knowing that Shelby didn't have much time until the sculk took over again, she grabbed an empty book and quill and quickly wrote out her thoughts while being controlled. She was running out of time, so to make sure the sculk didn't know she wrote a message to anyone who had happen to stumble in her hut would somewhat know, she got out of her house, beside her pond.

Shelby's POV

As I touched the catalyst, I sunk into the ground, being transported back to the Evermoore. It seemed as though the witch had been able to take control of its body again, however I do not recall what it did while using its body. Stupid witch. As I stood by the pond, I knew I had to to go corrupt more empires. I decided on Animalia and made my way.

Katherine's POV:
Panic was all I thought since Shelby left. What happened to her?! She looked like a completely new person! I didn't follow her knowing she would be going to the Evermoore so I waited for a little while, letting my mind race.
How had she done that with the sculk? Letting it take control of her like that..
Where did the Head Witches and Evil Sausage go? Were they planning something for Shelby? If so, what?
It felt like long enough and I honestly couldn't wait much longer so I raced to the Evermoore, and for the first time ever, I hoped Shelby wasn't there.

I arrived at the Evermoore, baffled. Almost the entire Evermoore was covered in sculk. It didn't take a genius to figure out Shelby had definitely been here. As I entered Shelby's house, Tortoise had looked as though he had seen a ghost. "Oh Tortoise! You're alright! Where's Shelby?" I questioned the frog. In return, all he did was look at the book and quill beside him. I picked up the book and read the message within, figuring it was from Shelby.
It was from Shelby! And it seemed like the sculk had taken her over! Poor girl... She also seems to refer to "us" instead of "me" which is strange. Are there more people being possessed?! She seemed so much more... I'm not even sure what word to use, depressed? In the message than normally. It seemed like this sculk thing had also taken control of her mental state and was affecting her very negatively, seeming to put her in some sort of depression. She talks as though they'll never be set free even though she talks about how even the sculk knows that they will be set free. Shelby mentions how they seem to shriek for freedom and mercy. That is so devastating it's unbelievable. I don't know who they are but it sounds like they are in the same state as Shelby, if not worse.
That was when a thought crossed my mind. Sculk, more than one entity, shrieking for freedom... this sounds so familiar...

Oh my Ocean Queen.

They were souls. Souls that were, like Shelby, trapped by the sculk and were now being controlled. They shriek for freedom because anytime the sculk possesses someone there's a chance for them to escape, only to no avail. Shelby was their hope. Their only current hope. And I was going to help. At the end of the message Shelby said that there was a cure to the sculk, a way to get rid of it however it seemed she was cut off as the ink trailed off the page. "But what was it. What is it, Shelby..." I said aloud. At that very moment, someone walked into the house. It was one of the witches Shelby had fought.

"I think I can help, dear"

"And why would someone from the Head Witches want to help Shelby now?" I said annoyingly.

"Because I am Shelby's grandmother. And I think I may be able to assist you."

I'm not joking when I said I shed a couple tears when Shelby asked Katherine out. I may or may not have over reacted...
Words: 1529

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