Red and black blood

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Soon after Anti's breakfast. Henrik and Jackie said their goodbyes before leaving early for their jobs.

The others took care of the dishes while some took the couch for some rest they didn't got last night.

Leaving Dark to himself. He didn't saw any reason to stay down stairs because they already took the couch to sit in so he went back upstairs.

He wanted to monitor Anti again. Walking up the stairs and went back to his room. You can still hear him growl and attempt to break the leash still. Still full of energy and rage.

Dark frowned when he peaked in Anti's room. He was growling at the leash like it was gonna unrelease itself off him if he did that.

Dark jumped a little when Anti's head was now looking right at him. He was on the floor like usual. Looking up at the man in the suit with great rage.

It's like it's Anti's way to tell Dark how much he fucked up.

"Come on i gave you breakfast. Don't look at me like that." Dark leaned onto the doorframe.

Anti just growled as a response but didn't tugged on the leash this time. He seemed to have understand that he can't break it no matter what he do.

Making Dark have the chance to analyze him. The blackness of the glitch's skin was already pass his shoulders compared to yesterday.

His neck bleeding but instead of the normal red blood it usually bled. It was bleeding a thick black goo. His blood was mixing with Dark's power making it darker than normal.

And that same black blood had gotten everywhere since he got here. Smeared on the floor and bed and it made him look more terrifying than he already was. His neck was just dripping it everything along from his eyes, nose and mouth down to his chin.

Dark didn't knew if he was suppose to worry or it's nothing. At this point anything about Anti makes him worry.

Celine's words echoed through his mind a lot. That she said he was too far gone already which Dark didn't wanted to believe.

He knows Anti is still in there and he can still get him back. He can't be a mindless rageful demon forever. And Dark certainly doesn't want to be a powerless man either.

Dark took the chance to walk inside. As much as he wanted to be as close to Anti. He'd also want to leave this room in one piece. So he kept his distance. Standing on his ground infront of the glitch while leaning on his cane.

He looked down on him, seeing this animal like reaction came from the glitch. Does he even recognize anything he saw? Does he recognize Dark?

"Do you. . . Know who i am?" Dark still tried. Asking outloud for the glitch who just responded with a growl as if he WAS a stray dog. Dark frowned but he know better to give up there.

"Anti i know you're in there somewhere. I know you can hear me." Dark was gaining confidence as he took a step closer. Causing Anti to tense up and tried to intimidate Dark to get away by growling.

But the man in the suit didn't stopped there.

"I'm. . . Sorry"

Both of them seemed to stop where they where when he apologized. Dark looked down at Anti with great shock and sorrow in his eyes. The emotions are getting to him. He meant that apology to the fiber of his being and apologizing was never his thing.

Anti just looked up at him just as shocked. As if he understood that. His cold face he had before is now just a still one. His pitch black eyes just stared at the man infront of him.

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